THOMAS - prom (2)

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part 2 woohooooo

again, pls read part 1 before u read this, thanks :)


Thomas and I shoved our way through the crowd until we reached the outside. The cold evening air immediately hit us, causing me to shiver a little. God, I forgot to bring a jacket, I cursed under my breath.

Abruptly, I felt something brush my shoulder. It was Thomas, handing me his blue blazer. I paused for a second, trying to fight the butterflies in my stomach, before taking it and mumbling a thanks.

We sat down on one of the benches lining the side of the gym. I could faintly hear people laughing and music playing through the walls of the gym.


Thomas said my name so suddenly, I jumped a little in my seat. Thomas stared at me in confusion for a second, but soon continued to ask the question I dreaded to hear "Why did you pull closer to me just now?"

I panicked "I don't know!". My mind was spinning too much to form a good excuse right now, so I said whatever was on the top of my head.

"It just felt right, I guess." I blurted out innocently.

Thomas hung his head, and it was too dark out here in the night to see his expression clearly. A small silence stayed between us, and I was too scared to break it, so I just fiddled with the hem of my dress, trying to look as casual as possible. However, my insides felt like they were being twisted up in knots.

A light chuckle slipped from Thomas' lips. I stared at his face, and I saw this...amused light in his eyes. "Y/n." he said again. It was kinda nice, hearing my name from him. "I think we're mature enough to tell each other how we feel. We aren't third graders afterall."

"You go first then. What do YOU feel?" I raised my eyebrow. I tried to sound as confident as I could, hoping he couldn't hear how increasingly nervous I'm feeling.

It was Thomas' turn to come near me this time. He leaned towards me, and on instinct my body leaned backwards. I had to support myself with a hand on the bench to not fall on my back. I smelt his cologne again, its aroma entering my system, making my heart beat so fast I could feel my pulse in my neck. His face was almost on top of mine.

"I feel like I wanna kiss you, dumbass." Thomas whispered.

That was the answer I wanted to hear. I closed the distance between our lips, and Thomas did the same. It was thrilling. All I could hear was Thomas' breathing. All I could smell was Thomas' cologne. All I could feel was Thomas' hands running through my hair and holding my waist. He occupied every inch of my mind, and it felt right. All felt right.

I got so carried away by the kiss that I forgot I was supporting myself with one hand. Wanting to hold Thomas with both hands, I removed my supporting hand from the bench, and with nothing holding me up, I yelped as I fell backwards on the bench, unfortunately pulling Thomas with me.

I gave Thomas an awkward smile. "Oops."

I thought I would hit the back of my head on the bench, but then I saw Thomas pulling back his hand and wincing in pain. I knew what he had done: his hand shielded my head from the fall.

"You really are a dumbass, y/n." Thomas shot me a stank eye. "Sor-ry." I sang out, then took his hand and started blowing on it to relieve the pain. He seemed to like that, as his smile returned to his face.

"So, what are we now?" Thomas asked. I shrugged lightly. "I don't know. I don't feel like we should instantly date right now, but after the kiss I feel like I finally released something I've been holding in for a long time."

"You made that sound like it was a fart." frowned Thomas, and naturally I rolled my eyes at him. "But you do have a point. I do think we should stay just liking each other for a while. Take things slow."

I couldn't believe my ears. " like me?"

"Yes, dummy." Thomas chuckled, ruffling my hair. "That's why I pranked you in the first place, to try to get your attention. Plus, you look cute when you're mad." I feel my cheeks heating at his words. I still punched him lightly in the arm though. "I don't care how much you like me. The pranks you pulled were still pretty annoying. I mean, you literally ripped all the important pages out of my chemistry book a day before a quiz!"

He laughed at the memory. "Alright, alright." Before he could say more, we heard two voices calling for Thomas in the distance, a female and a male.

Thomas sighed a little. "That would be Vic and Dam. I gotta go now, we'll keep in touch?"

I nodded back. As Thomas stood up from the bench, so did I. I mustered up my courage and gave him one last peck on the lips. "A little goodbye kiss." I smiled at him. He smiled back warmly, before turning away and jogging off to the distance, back to his friends.

I watched as his silhouette shrunk smaller and smaller, then disappearing all together. With a sigh, I turned back to the direction of the bench. A bright blue thing was lying on it: Thomas' blazer. It must've fallen off of my back during the kiss, I guessed.

I reached for it and held it close to my nose, inhaling the last remnants of him. He was only gone for a while, but I was already missing him. His silly jokes, his warm presence, his hands, his kiss.

Silly me for falling in love with my nemesis.

I always feel so warm inside after writing these thomas imagines, hope that you'll feel warm inside after reading this too hehe

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