ETHAN - stargazing

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eyy first story

In this story,  ethan forces you out to stargaze with him, but all you can focus on is him

"Ethan, are you sure you want to go stargazing in this weather? It's too cold to stay outside" I grumbled to my boyfriend as I wrapped a blanket around me on the couch.

"Come on, y/n, just this once," Ethan cooed while he sped around our house, searching for something. "The observatory said these constellations won't be appearing for another 70 years, and I doubt I'll be strong enough to climb on the rooftop in 70 years." he joked casually. Then, as he walked past me, I saw what he held in his hand: a ladder.

"ON THE ROOFTOP? Ethan, you must be joking. Sitting on the rooftop in mid-december? I will literally freeze to death!" I complained.

"Don't be dramatic, y/n." he opened the door to our backyard, and the winter cold I have so desperately tried to keep away slithered in, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. After propping the ladder on the wall of our house, Ethan stepped in the living room again, heading towards my direction.

"And you know very well that I would never let you get cold," he finished.

"Sure, Etha- What are you doing?!" Before I could finish my sentence, he suddenly reached down to where I was sitting, and his strong arms scooped me up bridal-style, blanket and all.

"Let me down! Let me down!" I protested, while trying to keep an angry expression on my face. Ethan just smiled in return, as if he found my struggling amusing. Asshole.

Our house was just a small one-story house with a slanted roof, so he quickly climbed all the way up the ladder and heaved me up to the rooftop. As I rolled back to a sitting position, he made his way to the bottom of the ladder again, calling out "I'll be right back!" and ran inside the house.

Great, my boyfriend carried me up on a rooftop, ran away, and left me out in the cold.

However, I had to admit that the view here was gorgeous. There were no clouds tonight, and the stars shone brightly, so beautiful that it could put all the city lights in the world to shame. I was staring at the stars so intently that I didn't notice Ethan climbing up with a bunch of other objects in hand.

"Beautiful, huh? You definitely couldn't see all this while hiding inside." Ethan commented smugly at my mesmerized expression.

"You're right. You win this time." I rolled my eyes, then my gaze fell to the things he brought up. There were two fluffy blankets, a few scented candles, and even two cups of hot chocolate. How he managed to whip up two cups of hot chocolate that quick, I will never know.

"Told you I'd never let you get cold," he smiled while handing me one of the cups, "Now c'mere." he gestured for me to sit closer to him.

A while later, I settled comfortably in Ethan's arms, basking in his warmth and the comfiness of the blankets. He started to point at the constellations in the sky. Aquarius. Orion. Canis major. Then he carefully told me their names and stories, staring up intently up at those magical little lights.

While the stories all sounded interesting, my eyes focused on one thing only: Ethan. He looked so stunning tonight that I inhaled sharply when I saw him through the corner of my eye. His hair seemed darker than ever, falling over his shoulders like spilled ink. Occasionally, a few strands would fall on my face and tickle my face. His skin, under the moonlight, turned into a shade of pale white. He looked like an ancient marble statue, carved by the finest artists of the world.

"Why are you just staring at me? And why are you holding your breath?" Ethan asked, frowning. Hearing him say so, I finally let out the breath that I just realized I was holding.

"You've got to stop looking so beautiful if you don't want me to faint from lack of oxygen." I joked under my breath.

At my words, Ethan blushed a deep red, and lying on his chest, I could almost hear his heartbeat speed up. But he quickly regained his composure and smirked.

"I can't darling, I was born this pretty." he flipped his hair to emphasize his point. "But I can do CPR for you though." he grinned cheekily.

"ETHAN!" It was my turn to blush this time. I playfully hit his chest, making him giggle.

"Let's just focus on the stars for now." he said, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Couldn't agree more." I smiled.

And so, we held each other as we continued to gaze at the stars above us, on this peaceful winter night.

imagina stargazing with ethan tho, it's just gonna be the best thing ever

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and go drink water 🔫

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