Later on...

As I'm writing orders that came in from our internet site I felt a presence behind me. Before I could turn around he whispered "I'm sorry for yelling at you. That guy was an idiot to think he had a chance with you. You're too pretty for him" and with that he walked away.

I stood still and wasn't clear if I heard him right. I kept it to myself and finished my work load and went home.

The next morning I did the same routine but forgot my coffee. I was upset and tired. As I'm putting the specials up the job phone rang. I was confused for a minute only because it was 7 in the morning and we were not even open yet.


"Is that the way you answer the phones!".

"I would apologize but I'm too tired and we're not even open yet!".

"Someone is grumpy".


"Anyway I called to see if you got there on time and if you want coffee?".

"You would actually get me coffee?".

"That's what I asked isn't it?".

"Yeah sure light and sweet, please!".

"Well we could do this, I buy coffee today for us and tomorrow you'll by coffee".

"Okay?. I guess".

"Good I like my coffee black with sugar. Got to have a little sweetness there".

"Right, oh but I have work to do before we open so thanks for the coffee".

"No problem I'll see you later" And with that we hung up. I didn't even think twice about our conversation. I just started finishing up my job before everyone showed up.

When my boss came in he immediately smiled at me and handed me my coffee. I smiled and he walked into his office sipping on his own.

I heard chatter coming from the other two females next me.

"So now you're screwing the boss?".

"Ew, no he just knew I was tired and got me coffee".

"He's never done that ever with anyone before".

"So?!, it's just a nice gesture".

"Right, anyway remember he's married!".

Whatever I'm not going to even let these women bother me. I sipped my coffee and it taste so good. I definitely needed it today or I would've been a zombie.

About 1pm, my boss signaled me to come into his office. I thought was in trouble, I mean every time someone gets summoned to the office it's because something is wrong.

"Hey you wanted to talk to me?".

"Yeah, I have a proposition for you".


"Well when Lisa comes back how would you like to work from 10am to 11pm Monday through Friday and the weekends off?".

"That's all day!".

"True but you got the weekends off to do whatever and you'll be here with me all day cause my father is retiring".


"And I'll give you a raise as well since you've been doing excellent work lately!".

I would be making more money and I can be off Saturday's as well. I stood there just thinking to myself. I could feel his eyes burning through me like he was hoping I would say yes. I sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Good girl, you'll start on Monday!" As he smiled.

I walked out just in a cloud and figuring this couldn't be that bad, boy wasn't I wrong in the end.



"CASSIE!!!!!" He yelled.

I groaned as I got up to go in the office.

"Yes?" As I peek my head inside.

"WHAT IS THIS?!!!" As he's holding up two receipts.

"Oh that's the customer who didnt know what she wanted so Lisa handled it and that's all I know".

"Cassie!, listen I have you here to make sure shit runs smoothly so when others fuck up you're going to get yelled at!".

"That's not fair!. They are grown women they know right from wrong. I'm nobody's babysitter. Fuck out of here with that!" As I put my hand on my hip.

He stood up and walked over to me towering over me. Never mind he was 6'3 and I was a measly 5'3. Yeah I was short but don't mess with me.

"Who are you cursing at?".

"You!. I can't be everyone's babysitter. I don't get paid enough for that --"

He instantly kissed me, shutting me up. I was taken back by it that I pulled away and just stared at him. His eyes were a dark blue not the light blue I'm used to.

I inched my way to the entrance and walked away. I took my seat and just sat there in a daze. What the fuck just happened?!.

My Bosses' SecretWhere stories live. Discover now