28 Weeks & Counting

171 17 7

Seokjin turned on the shower to let the water start heating up before stripping out of his pajamas. As he undressed, he turned towards the mirror and promptly froze. Staring with wide eyes, he gently placed his hand on his stomach before turning to the side to confirm that there was, indeed, a tiny bump. "Hi, there, little one." He whispered, lightly caressing his skin. "I'm so happy you're here." After taking a moment just to himself, he called Namjoon into the bathroom.

The alpha stumbled into the room, eyes full of concern. "What's-" He cut himself off when the omega gestured for him to look at his stomach. "Oh my god~" Namjoon exclaimed breathlessly, falling to his knees in front of his mate so he as at eye level with his stomach. "Is that you, little one?" He asked almost giddily as he brought his hands up to rest on either side of the bump.

"It is." Seokjin said softly, lightly running his fingers through Namjoon's hair. "They're still in there."

"They really are." Namjoon whispered, his tone full of emotion and his eyes glistening. He then leaned into press a soft kiss to Seokjin's stomach, just under his belly button. "We can't wait to meet you in person. But make sure you're fully grown and ready. We can wait long enough for that."

Seokjin giggled and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of Namjoon's head. "I'll make sure they stay until they're strong enough to survive outside of the womb."

"Good." Namjoon nodded in approval, making Seokjin giggle again as he stood up and pulled him into a gentle kiss. "I know I say this all the time, but I'm so happy to be having a pup with you. I can't even imagine the mother of my pups being anyone but you."

"You do say that all the time, and it's always welcome." Seokjin said, pressing his lips to Namjoon's again.


Namjoon pulled his phone out of his pocket as they waited for the ultrasound technician to set everything up. "Yoongi's double checking what time the dinner is tonight."

"Tell him I'll kick his ass if they're not at our apartment by 6:00 on the dot." Seokjin said with a completely serious tone.

"What about Jimin's ass?" Namjoon read Yoongi's following question.

Seokjin scoffed. "Jimin is too kind and pure for that. He can show up at any time and that will be fine." Namjoon chuckled as sent out the text as the technician asked if they were ready to see their pup again. "A thousand times yes." Seokjin was so excited to even flinch or hiss at the cold gel being squirted on his lower abdomen.

"It might be possible to see the genitalia today depending on how the pup's laying." The technician explained as she pressed the probe to Seokjin's stomach and began moving it around. "Is that something you're interested in?"

The couple shared a look, communicating telepathically, before Seokjin answered. "If you can, then sure. If it seems like they're not cooperating today, then I don't mind waiting a bit longer."

The technician nodded just as the image of their pup appeared on the screen. "They still look very healthy." She announced, pointing out the body parts they could see at the moment before measuring the pup. "He's measuring at four and a half inches, which puts him at about the 14 weeks mark. That puts him right on track for the due date we gave you at your last ultrasound." Seokjin and Namjoon shared a smile, the alpha squeezing his mate's hand as the technician moved the wand around a bit until she could get a view of the pup's genitals. "And it looks like there is a penis." She announced, pointing to their pup's genitalia now shown on the screen. "Congratulations, you're having a boy."

"A little boy." Seokjin squeezed Namjoon's hand. "And his heart is still beating." He added on as a whisper.

"Your little boy is looking extremely healthy, there's nothing to cause concern at this point." The technician assured them as she printed out a picture of their ultrasound before shutting the machine down. "You can schedule your next appointment for a month from now at reception on your way out." Seokjin and Namjoon thanked her as she wiped Seokjin's stomach off.

After scheduling the next appointment and getting in their car so Namjoon could take Seokjin back to the restaurant before heading to work, Seokjin blurted out, "I think I want to tell them tonight."

Namjoon paused in fastening his seatbelt as he turned to his mate. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Seokjin nodded. "Well, just our friends for now, I don't think I could handle your mom just yet." Namjoon let out a quiet laugh at that. "But you heard what she said. He's healthy, he's growing at a nice rate, there's nothing to be concerned about." He took Namjoon's hand in his. "I have a really good feeling and I think it's time to start sharing the news with the people we love and care about the most. What do you think?"

The alpha was quiet for a second before bringing Seokjin's hand up to his lips. "I think we're telling our friends at dinner tonight." Seokjin beamed as Namjoon pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.


Seokjin was trudging back up to the apartment after closing down the restaurant when he felt a strange fluttering in his stomach. He stopped in confusion for a second, ruling out all the possible causes. It wasn't his anxiety--as that lived in his chest--it wasn't nausea, it wasn't his sixth sense for knowing something bad was coming. He continued up the stairs while trying to figure out what it was.

He didn't figure it out until he was opening the door and the fluttering happened again followed by a somewhat sharper jab. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed in excitement before hurrying to the living room where Namjoon was reading a back. "Baby!"

"Hi, Seokjin-wait, what are you doing?" Namjoon stared at him in confusion as Seokjin flopped onto the couch next to him and forcefully put his hand to his stomach. "I don't-" He cut himself off as Seokjin felt another jab in the same spot as before. "He's kicking?!"

Seokjin nodded excitedly, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "I felt it as I was coming up the stairs." A couple of tears slipped down Seokjin's cheeks as Namjoon stared lovingly at his stomach. "He's really in there, and I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon."

"I don't think he is either." Namjoon said, looking up so Seokjin could see that his eyes were just as full of tears as his own. "I love you and him so much."

"We love you too." Seokjin whispered, happily accepting the gentle kiss Namjoon gave him until another kick had them parting with a giggle. "Sorry, little one, we'll try to save the kisses for when you're asleep." Seokjin promised his unborn pup, lightly rubbing the area he'd been kicking.

Our Little Miracle | njTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon