15 Weeks & Counting

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"Why is it so freezing in here?" Seokjin flinched at the volume of his mate's voice, hands going up to his temples. "And why are the lights off?"

"Don't even think about turning them on." Seokjin said without opening his eyes, fingers rubbing circles on his head in an attempt to soothe his headache.

He heard Namjoon's soft footsteps approaching him on the couch then felt the alpha sitting down by his feet. "Anything I can do?"

Seokjin shook his head the tiniest bit, not wanting to risk hurting his head even more. "I started to get overheated down at the restaurant then my head started to hurt. I don't think much can be done other than for me to just wait for it to go away."

Namjoon rubbed Seokjin's legs comfortingly and stayed quiet until the omega felt well enough to actually open his eyes and sit up a bit. "So, I know how against my mom throwing a pup shower you were, but the other admin want to host a small one for us at the school next week." Namjoon informed him as he moved his hand from his legs to his stomach.

"How are they gonna do that if they aren't letting anyone other than staff and pups into the building?"

"They'll do it outside at the picnic tables like what the therapists have been doing for all of the ones that got pregnant last year." Namjoon answered, lightly running his fingers over his stomach. "But if you don't want to, I can tell them and I'm sure they'll just give me a few gift cards instead."

Seokjin shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I don't mind them throwing us a pup shower."

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But a month ago you were adamant about my mom not. You even threatened to put me out on the couch if I didn't tell her no."

"I don't like your mom." Seokjin deadpanned. "But I love your coworkers and I miss getting to see them in person. What day is the shower?"

"Next Wednesday." Namjoon answered. "During lunch." Seokjin hummed and assured Namjoon he would be there before closing his eyes again, letting Namjoon's soft touches lure him to sleep.


When Seokjin had woken up that morning feeling achy and exhausted, he was dreading going to Namjoon's workplace and having to deal with socializing and questions for an hour. Thankfully, he started to feel better by the time of the shower rolled around, and he found himself actually enjoying talking to the rest of the admin team and the few teachers that came by during their lunch breaks to say hi and give him a small gift.

Even Yoongi made a brief appearance, the alpha ducking between his coworkers in order to grab one of the bags of cookies that had been set out as refreshments for the attendees. "Yoongles! What did you get me?"

"I'm just here for the cookies." Yoongi deadpanned before turning to leave again.

"Rude." Seokjin playfully glared at him. "No gift for your absolute best friends in the world and you can't even stick around to talk?"

Yoongi blinked. "Okay, first, Jimin already has dozens of gifts on backorder for you. Secondly, I am not passing up on the chance to take a nap in my car for the next..." He glanced at his watch. "55 minutes." He started backing away towards his car again as he looked over at Namjoon. "But you and I need to have a talk later about a certain something that landed in my classroom mailbox today."

Seokjin turned to his mate with a raised eyebrow as Yoongi finally disappeared, and Namjoon's expression showed that he knew exactly to what Yoongi was referring. "I'll tell you later." Namjoon whispered to his mate as another teacher appeared with a gift card for them.


"Look how cute they are." Seokjin gushed as he watched Jimin practically paint Yoongi's face with the frosting from their cake while giggling profusely. "I always imagined Yoongi with someone even more introverted than him, but now I can't picture him with anyone but Jimin."

"You know what they say, opposites attract." Namjoon said.

"So that's how someone as graceful and composed as me ended up with a baby giraffe like you." Namjoon shot him a look that had him giggling before holding his hand out. "What?"

Namjoon just silently took his hand and helped him out of his chair before leading him to the dance floor. "I want to dance with the most beautiful omega in the room." He finally said as he wrapped his arms around Seokjin's waist.

Seokjin felt his cheeks heating up as he looped his arms around Namjoon's shoulders and attempted to scoot closer to him. He quickly gave up when his stomach got in the way. "You know, sometimes I could do without the bump." Seokjin admitted as he and Namjoon swayed together. "Like most of the time I love looking at it and feeling it and thinking about little Jaehyun growing in there, but fuck it gets in the way a lot."

"Yeah, but you look cute with it." Namjoon assured him.

"Just cute?" Seokjin baited, and as expected, Namjoon fell right for it.

"Hot, gorgeous, sexy, beautiful, all the positive adjectives." Namjoon smiled before craning his head to give his mate a gentle kiss. "I don't know how I got so lucky to get the most beautiful omega in the world to agree to mate me."

"Oh, so now it's the whole world?" Seokjin teased him to hide how flustered he truly was. "That's a pretty big promotion from the most beautiful in the room."

Namjoon's dimples made an appearance and Seokjin automatically smiled at the sight of them. "A well-deserved promotion, I assure you."

"Others might disagree."

"Others can fuck right off." Seokjin burst into laughter, only stopping when he felt Jae kicking. "I don't know if Jae is agreeing with you or mad that you swore." He continued to giggle as he brought one hand to his stomach.

Namjoon placed a hand on top of Seokjin's. "He's totally agreeing with me." He craned his head to kiss Seokjin again.

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