To Receive and to Deceive

Start from the beginning

"Damn, we really need to get you a cell phone," Keiko commented, flipping through the scattered books around her.

"And how long have you two been dating? Already using the 'L' word?" Michiru raised a brow. "Someone's head over heels."

Another blush crept up her cheeks. "Oh, leave her alone," Keiko chided. "This is her first real relationship, she can go in fast if she wants to."

"Okay, well, Mai, what do you think?" Michiru asked, ceasing her cutting.

"If we're moving too fast?"

Michiru scoffed and pulled out a mirror. "No! About your hair! I'm done!"

The style wasn't much different, just less layers. It was just straight across her shoulders, similar to Masako's but longer. Michiru also decided to give her side bangs and angled her face differently from before. Oddly enough, Mai liked new look. It was time for something new and she had let her hair grow out just enough to do that.

"It looks great, Michiru!" she gave a genuine smile. "You've outdone yourself!"

"I'm glad you like it!" she exclaimed ruffling the girl's hair.

"Michiru!" Keiko and Mai scolded. The girl just gave a cheeky grin.


December Day 4, 2:34 A.M.

Despite things seeming to get better, Mai was still having her nightmares. Which was annoying, especially at sleepovers. Hence why she was sort of just staring at the ceiling while her friends slept on either side of her. She looked over at the clock and realized that it was too early to go for a run. Not that she would be able to go for a run, Michiru's wasn't anywhere near her usual route. And she had no running buddy, neither one of the girls next to her would ever get up early just to go for a run.

So Mai took a deep breath and continued to stare at the ceiling. This would be a long night, especially as she remembered the case she would have to get back to after her exams. That hitogata...

That was very disturbing. The last time she dealt with a hitogata was over a year ago. Unless you count Yasuhara's high school, but they were to take the punishment of the curse, not cast a curse on someone. So, what was going on there? Did someone put a hex on the little boy and that was why he got so sick?

That would be horrible! She muttered to herself.

But what did that have to do with the haunting? It just wasn't adding up. And the look on Naru's face...

"Mai this is to stay between you and I, I don't want the rest of the team to know just yet."

Why exactly was he trying to hide it? What ideas were swirling around in that narcissistic head of his? He had that analytical looked in his eyes as he examined the little piece of wood with some thought. When he looked to her his beautiful blue eyes held sense of suspicion and worry-

And Mai blushed at her last thought. She hadn't thought anything of her boss like that in a very long time! She could just imagine what Ayako would say or Michiru and Keiko-Shouta! She was dating Shouta and still had a hopeless crush on her boss! How ridiculous could she get!

She stifled a groan as she turned to her side. She was sleep deprived and stressed. Yes, that was it; she needed some extra sleep and these exams to be finished and this case to be closed as quickly as possible. It's not wrong to admire a physical feature on a friend, either, right? Employer or not, he did have very nice eyes. And Shouta was her boyfriend for multiple reasons. He was rather attractive, brown hair and eyes, tall, built but not overly muscular. He was funny, nice, and treated her with more respect than Naru ever had.

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