Chapter 50

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Ivy's pov
Me and Jeremy get to the airport that same day waiting for our flights to be called.

Charles said he will meet us there since he has his own private jet and he offered to give us a ride but I said no it's ok.

Jermey said how are you feeling and I looked up at him and said I'm happy that I get to see her again but I'm also afraid.

He asked why and I said what if she fell in love with him, what if he killed her and buried her in his backyard, what if he keeps her locked up in the basement what if?!

All of a sudden he kisses me and I kissed back and he pulled away and said we will find out everything when we get there baby ok take some deep breaths and relax.

I nodded and took some deep breathes and opened my eyes and I heard them called "New Jersey to Italy boarding now" and we got up and Jeremy asked ready?

I smiled and said let's go and we grabbed our luggages and went through the detector so they can check u and we got through that with no issues and we get our luggage.

Jeremy whispered I'm surprised they didn't check my luggage for any weapons and I chuckled and said me too.

Yes Jeremy is a drug dealer I guess u can say he's  like a king but he keeps me out of it so I don't get hurt. That won't ever and I mean ever  stop me from loving him.

We get on the plane and buckle our seatbelts and I open my laptop and logged on to it so we can watch the vampire diaries and just chill for this  long flight.

One of the the flight attendants come over and said hello how are you both my name is Emma and I will be your server today can I get you anything?

I said can I get a water and do you have pure leaf tea? She smiled and said yes we do all flavors and I said can I get a lemon pure leaf tea and she said of course and for you sir?

He said can I get a water also with extra ice and can I get a pure leaf sweet tea and I giggled and said copy cat and he smiled rolled his eyes playfully. 

She said of course so I have two waters one with extra ice, the other with light ice, 1 pure leaf sweet tea, and 1 lemon pure leaf tea correct?

We both said yes and she said ok any snacks and I said can I have a large popcorn and Jeremy said oooh and some m&ms and the lady laughed and said you two remind me of my sons they love me to put m&ms in their popcorn?

We smiled and the lady said I will be right back with your drinks and we smiled and said thank you and Jeremy said what you think our kids will be like and I smiled and said cute, smart, funny, intelligent, hardworking, and strong like you.

He smiled and kissed me and said god I love you and I smiled and said I love you too.

Welp here we go on our way to Italy.

Irene's pov
Me and the girls decided to cook dinner for the guys and we listened and dance to music. These are the memories I cherished and love it makes me think back to the times when me and ivy would do stuff like this.

We was making lasagna with spinach and strawberry cupcakes for dinner and rich girl by Gwen Stefani Ft Eve came on and we started singing loud as we can and just dancing while cooking. Ivy got on the table and start dancing pretending she was at a concert and I grabbed her hand and got on too and we was just enjoying the time of our life's. Eve's part had came on and Ivy start rapping and jump off the table and shaking her ass and I was cheering on and yelling GO BITCH, GO GO GO and she laughed while singing. I jumped off the table and did the spilts and Ivy yelled PERIODTT MY BESTIE A BAD BITCH and I laughed.

  (Flashback over)

I smiling and looked at the sunset and Julia asked you ok and I smiled and said yea just a memory of me and my best friend came to my head.

Julia asked you miss her hug and I smiled and lay my head on her shoulder and said all the time.

We go back in the house and Catalina said you ok and I smiled and said of course and I hugged her and the girls came and joined the hug.

I laughed and said thank you girls for being here and Ange said thank you for coming into our life's and I smiled and said well let's eat cause I am starving.

Julia said right so is the baby and we all laughed and sat at the table and hold hands and Paige said a prayer.

We heard the front door open and I got up and Colton said got room for 2 more guests and Jack smiled and said is it ok if me and my brother join y'all for dinner.

Paige got up and hugged them and I hugged Colton and kissed him and he kissed me back and hold my waist and whispered I take it you two work things out?

He smiled and said yeah we decided to push our problems to the side and come together to get rid of Richard and I smiled and said I knew you had a heart and he kissed my forehead.

This is home and i know it's crazy to say but I think I belong here.

A lost soul can be saved (mafia love story) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें