Chapter 11

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Irene's pov
Dear diary,
It has been 2 or 3 days since I been here and I'm losing my mind. I just wanna go home and watch movies with ivy, eat ice cream, go to our cafe, and go to work. I miss the rain in New Jersey and the coldness out here in Italy it's always hot and I hate it so much like ughhh. Today is the big day (note the sarcasm) I get to meet Colton's whoopie NOT. We not even together in my point of view and he wants me to meet her oh I think the fuck not I'm going to be on my bad behavior tonight and make him wish he didn't introduce me to her.
Love I.G

I put my diary up and I sighed and said to myself let me get up and start the day.

I get up and go to the bathroom and do my business and winced cause my ass hurt from last night.

Flashbacks come back and I can feel my eyes start to tear up but I don't let them fall cause I'm not going to let him ruin my day.

I wipe and flushed the toilet and get up and wash my hands and looked at myself in the mirror and said you will get out of this house and go back home I love you and miss you mom.

I come out and take off my shorts and put on some sweats because I don't feel comfortable when I feel like all these guys are staring at me.

I walk downstairs and see the maids making breakfast and the same me from yesterday smiled and said good morning ms. Gonzalez.

I smiled and said good morning and please call me Irene. She smiled and said ok did you sleep well and I sighed and said yeah kinda but let's hope today is a good day.

She smiled and said it will I promised but I hope you are hungry cause I made a ham and cheese, bell peppers omelette with some cut up strawberries and kiwis and fresh squeezed orange juice.

I smiled big and hear my stomach growled and giggled and said I guess I am hungry after hearing all of that delicious food.

She laughs and I hear someone said good morning Lily and good morning to my beautiful princess and he kissed my cheek.

I rolled my eyes and smirked and look up at Colton and said good morning you handsome devil and his smiled dropped. I giggled and take my plate to the living room.

Hehehe I know that was rude but like they say "if he wants you he is gonna have to with all your attitudes" news flash though he won't be getting me no time soon.

You won't believe who's pov is next that's right the famous and handsome gentleman Nolan

Nolan's pov
Me and Angelica tried not to laugh at Irene's comment but damn was that funny. I love her already.

Colton glared at us and said what you two laughing at and Ange said that girl is a keeper out of all the girls you have had in the past they wasn't bold as her and I love it.

Colton scoffed and said well don't enjoy it too long she better show some respect tonight when mom and grandma comes and I smirked and said yeah you better be on your best behavior too mommas boy.

Me and Ange grabbed our plates and thanked Lisa (one of the cooks/maid) and went to sit in the living room with Colton and Irene.

Angelica smiled and said good morning RiRi and I said RiRi and Ange smiles and said yes that's Irene's nickname me and the girls have her.

I smiled and said it's cute and Irene said good morning Ange, good morning Nolan and I smiled and said she actually talks and good morning.

She laughs and eat her food while watching the news and Gabriel said good morning love birds and Julia said good morning Cupid's.

Me and Ange chuckled and Ange smirked and said you two are in a good mood and Julia said how can we not be in a good mood Nolan and Colton's mom is coming today and I get to eat those amazing oatmeal and raisins cookies.

I chuckled and Ange said they are good baby I need her recipe and I said can't she has it hidden and Gabriel said well we are going to do anything it takes to get that recipe.

Irene said I bet you are Gabriel I bet you are you know you were never this happy when it came to moms baking what happened did you replace her and find a new mom?!

Everything got quiet until we heard Irene's name on the news and saw her picture and Colton said change but Irene cut him off and turned it up.

Some girl popped up on the tv and Irene tear up and said that's my best friend Ivy and she set her plate down and  got up and ran to the backyard.

Julia was gonna get up but Catalina said I think I should talk to her Julia and she ran after her and Julia sat down and said since when did they get so close?

That's what I wanna know too but irene and Lina went through the same situation.

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