2.Escape from the wedding

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They sat in the car and Kiara spoke
"But where are we going?"

"Correction babygirl not "WE" only "YOU" are going"
Samaira sitting on the driver's seat was surely enjoying the expressions on Kiara's face.

" Tf?!!! Me going alone?! All the way to a different country? Hell nah how will I survive there?! Wait... Where u guys sending me tho?"

Nyra shouted in enthusiasm

"WHAT???!!!!! Why??!!!"
Everyone asked altogether

"What? That was the only flight available at last moment don't blame me"
Why the maknae of the group always have to be this chaotic?

"Already told don't tell her to book tickets she is still a kid"
Dhriti said being so done with the situation


"Sheesh shut up both of you and if that is the only option left then Kiara will go to Korea"
Mamabird jumping again.

"Come on di it's a life time opportunity you know how hot the people of South Korea look like?! Have you seen kdramas? And I have heard their are also hot mafia people who are like smoking hot"

"Seriously? All u can think of this Nyra? How will I live there and that too alone? I can't 😭"

"I know it's hard girl but you have to go for now and we can't go because after finding out that you ran away their doubt will go straight on us and if they didn't find us here then they will know that we helped you and we all will be in danger...So we will stay here and make sure everything is under control and after everything is fine we will come to Korea and we all will live happily there ok?? Then no one would be there to tear us apart"
Every story is incomplete without that one dramatic character...(Meanwhile the author who made 8 gone cases 🙂)

"Ok...I-I will go to Korea"
Kiara said

"That's the spirit"
Kavya added

"Now let's just enjoy for now"
Kavya said and started the radio in the car
"But wait...how do you know my dad is marrying me off??"
Kiara asked in confusion
"We have our own ways babe..."
Samaira said and winked at her

Kiara said still not believing them

"Anyways let's enjoy"
Kavya said
And they all started vibing and singing songs until they reached the airport.

They came out to bid goodbye

"Here are your clothes, essentials, new phone, passport and visa"
Ishani said handing her everything....

"And this are the clothes which you will change in the washroom because we don't want you to draw attention"
Kavya said handing her the bag which had clothes in them

"And lastly some money"
Ananya said handing her a small bag which has money

"Thank you so much guys, I don't know what will I ever do without you all"
Kiara said bein on the verge of tears

"Aww don't cry baby you are our gem...And we can't just hand it to someone who won't take care of you... So don't worry and go we will handle the things here and once everything is fine then we will come to Korea or call you here...Ok?"
Riddhi said

"Anyone else wanna say anything?? Because I am sleepy"
(Something relatable?...Yep that's correct Yoongi)
Dhriti said

Nyra said raising her hands

"I booked the best hotel there and also paid everything so you don't have to spend a single penny in the hotel...And lastly I will miss you a lot di"
Nyra said while having a slight pout on her face

"Aww i will miss you all too...But di I will call you all when i reach there"
Kiara said

"She will get late and miss her flight if you all don't let her go"
Ishani said cutting their conversation

"Yeah I should go now and I will miss you all a lot"
She said and they did a group hug

"Eat well, don't skip meals... don't stress out"
Riddhi said

"And if any boy teases you then kick him where the sun doesn't shine"
Dhriti said going back to the car

"Don't worry I will...and once again I love you and miss you all a lot...Thank you for everything"
Kiara said with her tears streaming down her face

"We will miss you too..."
Kavya said

"I should go now...I will text or call you all when i reach there...byee"
Kiara said and started going

"Sure...love you...byee"
They said altogether

*In the airport*
She changed her Dress and removed her heavy makeup and applied a light makeup so that no one would suspect her.
After she was done, she came out of the restroom....

Her outfit👇

She immediately went to the alloted gate to check in

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She immediately went to the alloted gate to check in....

*In the flight*
She come to her seat and settled everything and sat there looking out the window thinking about her life...

"Hope I escape from my family forever"

She thought and rested her head on the seat and drifted off in her dreamland......

Will this runaway lead her to a happy life or turn for the worst? Keep reading to know...

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