Chapter 17 The feeling of dread in a hero training

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The next day, on the afternoon

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The next day, on the afternoon. We were surprise to hear from Aizawa that we will be doing a rescue training for the hero basic training. We will be instructed by three instructors, Aizawa, All Might and one more person.

"Rescue..." said Kaminari as some were excited, some like Kaminari are nervous and some didn't look like they care. Maybe I'm just not that observant like they thought... 

I tried to ignore Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari's enthusiastic conversation. But I got soon caught up with they're whispers... 

"Hey I'm not done" Aizawa exclaim as he glare at us. Dare to talk and I bet he'd burn us with just a look. 

"You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time" He clicks on a button as our hero costumes began to appear. "Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities too" 

What he said was right... Although I don't need my costume, it did makes everything easier. 

I don't want to ruin my school PE uniform...

So when we finally changes up into our hero costume, some of us are finally gathered outside, waiting for the school bus. I swear this school just keeps on getting bigger and bigger...

Suddenly, Lida came with a whistle and blew it. The loud sound also catches everybody's attention. "Class 1-A, gather around!" 

I want one...

I purposely ignored Lida's instruction on how to enter the bus orderly. I was too occupied with the thing on his hand... 

Although I didn't listen, poor Lida, all his fussing about the students in order are useless after all... 

"I say whatever comes in mind" Asui suddenly spoke up, her full attention suddenly turns to Midoriya who was sitting next to her. "Midoriya- chan, your quirk is like All Might's"

Huh? it is some how similar...

In interest, I secretly listened to their conversation. Well it's not like their whispering or anything... so I'm not guilty.

"Huh?! Y-Y-You think so?... But I'm... uh!" Midoriya tried to say something, but only stutters instead.

"Wait a sec, tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same. But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much" Kirishima exclaim.

But I don't agree... In my world, someone who can protect themselves is enough to live in it. People die everyday because of us, and so people rely on the demon hunters much like how heroes works. But if the demon can't even land a bite at you or hurt you, then you're strong enough that could scare any (normal) demons away.

I mean... what's the point on chasing someone if you can't even bite their flesh?...

"I think it's flashy enough" I suddenly said. Not noticing that everybody's attention suddenly shift at me. 

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