Chapter 15 Class Prez part 1

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The next day, Ume arrives with a toast in her mouth

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The next day, Ume arrives with a toast in her mouth. It is seems like her world right now is revolve from between enjoying human food and running late to class. Thankfully, like yesterday, Ume arrives just in time for the class to start.

"I almost ran late..." She mutters in tiredness. A day have passed after their first combat battle and things are running normally. 

Lida on the other hand thinks otherwise. "Ume-san! please refrain from running the hall way again!"

"You always said that to her, and yet she still runs in it" Tsuyu comments in amusement. 

"I rather run the hallway and fell off the stairs rather than face Aizawa's wrath..." they heard her mutter. 

"It's kinda funny though. How do you arrive late?" Kirishima asked as he laugh at her.

"Well I am busy" respond Ume with a pout. 'Busy dating Jet' she thought. Blaming the human devises that could lead to brainwashing.

The others starts to greet each others as she greeted back. Her life as a now half human ended up with no problems. Getting to know the others are starting to get easier. Then the doors opens signaling that the class will now start. 

What happened the next day though, really brings down her nightmare...

She did not expect this to happen-

Ume's pov:

I was not able to enter the school due to how crowed the entrance... There were a lot of people and I can't help but to froze up!

Can you blame me!? I never got to some crowded place because Aizawa never let me (and I am okay with that), how else am I gonna react when a large crowd of interviewers are heading towards me!? Oh how I wish to just cut them all in half!!!

Obviously, I froze up. I wasn't able to answer their questions as well. Deep inside, I know I am panicking. Hyperventilate is a good excuse as well... 

'Someone... someone... please!' A tear run down my chicks. 'Help me!!!'


The shout weren't enough for the people's ears, and yet, I could clearly hear his voice going closer until finally I could feel his hand grabbing my wrist as I was force to run towards somewhere.  

We were able to run towards the school gate until I could finally breathe in fresh air. "Thank you so much!" I whole heartedly exclaim how thankful I was. So much I didn't expect my body to stop just in time until I realized that I am currently hugging Kirishima. 

"Don't worry about it Ume-chan" he said sheepishly. A trace of red dust were in his chicks but I was too busy trying to come up with a good excuse. 

"Ume?" I was cut off of my words when I saw Aizawa walking towards me. "Dad... why are there a lot of people outside the school campus?..." I asked. 

Now that my mind has finally calm down. And memories starts to process. A deep feeling of anger starts to appear in my heart. 'How dare they pestering students like they're work are more important than children's safety!'

"News travel so fast, they all wanted to hear any kind of news about All might teaching UA" he said which was understandable... for crazy interviewers. I still don't see the importance of it though...

As if he was able to hear my words, Aizawa gave a sigh. "You don't have to worry about them. We'll take care of it, you guys need to go in now. Class will start" 

Well he diddn't said anything after, so I wordlessly took Kirishima's hand and drag him towards our class. 

"Do you think, this would cause a problem later on?" Kirishima asked. 

"Are you kidding? those annoying humans won't stop until someone powerful would stop them or the UA will take it on their own hands and call All Might to handle them... But I bet they won't... Unless they want the school to be in peace" 

"Ume-chan!" We were surprise to see Mina running in a hurry. "It's good that you're here. Everyone is worried because of the press outside"

'So it's good that it's not only her, but also the others find this horrible' I thought in relief. 

I quietly sat down. The others are also quit interested about what's going on outside. Meanwhile, I only prayed for his wellbeing and how I appreciate Aizawa's sacrifice.

Anyway, speaking of Aizawa. The man just entered our room with the most tired look I have ever seen. "Good work on your combat training. I saw the video and results" after he have said this. He began to enlighten everyone of their mistakes. He did so on Bakugo and Midoriya. 

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you... decided on the class president"

"Pfft-" I tried to stop my laugh, but wasn't able completely. How can I!? when I just saw they're expressions tensing up like they are readying themselves on a war! 

'Talk about being dramatic~ and who said this man couldn't be one?' I thought, remembering myself to expose Aizawa to Hizashi. 

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!" I quickly duck down in order to not get hit by Kirishima. 

"Me too!"

"I want to do it too!" a lot starts to raise their hands.

'I don't know... being class rep mean babysitting of a bunch of teenagers...' I thought crossing my arms with a huff. 



"It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If you want to use democracy to decided on a true leader... then we should hold an election to choose one" he said despite that his hand is raising the highest. 

'He clearly likes being one'

"Why did you suggest that?" Kaminari asked in curiosity and uncertain.

"We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?" Tsuyu said with the same reason. 

"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..."

"Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here, can be truly considered the most suitable person? What do you think, Mr. Aizawa?" 

A sweat have appear on my forehead. 'He must have gotten not enough sleep...'

'Well he's completely confident... and determine... and he's bossy too...' 

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over" Aizawa said. 

So it's decided.......

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