22. Secrets

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A/n: kinda inspired by that one episode of friends.

You and Ash's friendship was complicated to say the least. It didn't help that Ash was a drug dealer and you had never even heard of half the drugs he was selling but somehow you two made it work. He was your best friend and would basically follow you everywhere and always stood up for you no matter what. He would always act so annoyed with you and like he didn't like you but you knew it was a cover up for the fact that you were his only real friend.
Ash has had a MAJOR crush on you for the past 7 years. Ever since you were 8 and you bumped into him in class. He thought you were really cute and smart; it also helped that you were funny and basically every teachers favorite. He loved everything about you. You were oblivious to this of course, you had your own shit to worry about; what with your parents arguing every night and your family acting like nothing is happening.

Even though your parents pretty much disagreed on everything they agreed on one thing, no dating anyone. In their eyes, no one was good enough for you so you shouldn't even bother. Maddy didn't want you to get hurt the same was she did so she told you to stay away from guys. She didn't even like the idea of you and Ash being friends let alone dating.
You had a crush on Ashtray but it was always downplayed. You knew he didn't feel the same way because he was always rude and tough and it looked like he didn't want to be in a relationship. So you too ignored your feelings for eachother and continued to stay friends until one day, Ash couldn't take it anymore(bold is ash, you're regular):
"Hey y/n?"
"Can I Tell you something?"
"I really like you. I wanna go out with you"
"Ash we talked about this"
"Ik Ik Ik but we could make it work, we stayed friends for this long"
"Yea but that's different. Don't get me wrong, I've liked you forever too but I just don't wanna get in trouble with my family and friends"
"Fuck Maddy and your parents. What do they have to do with us? You're basically my dream girl and you're my best friend"
"You really think I'm you're dream girl?"
"We'd have to keep it a secret."
"Okay. Let's go out"

And just like that, you and Ash started secretly dating. It was going pretty well , Ash would leave you notes in your locker, hug you when you guys were in private and go one little dates. Eventually, Ash started getting bold; he would hold your hips in front of your friends, kiss your forehead and even try to hold your hand in public. You didn't mind of course but you were worried that everyone would find out about you two.
One day, You went by the shop to see Ash but little did you know, Nate and Cassie were there. You saw Ash behind the counter and you went over and kissed him. The kiss lasted longer than you expected but it's not like you were counting. As you two were in the middle of it, Cassie and Nate walked in to find Ash kissing you with his hands on your hips and you smiling as you did it(italicized is Cassie, Nate is underlined, you're regular and Ash is bold):
"Oh shit! Hey Cass what's up?"
"Don't 'Hey Cass' me, Y/n. We're you and Ashtray just kissing??"
"Well I mean.."
"Yea we were. And what about it?"
"Are you gonna tell Maddy??"
Cassie went white because she knew that she would have to explain the whole situation to Maddy and you would tell Maddy that you saw Cassie and Nate together, which means that Maddy would find out about their little secret.
"I won't tell if you don't tell"
Nate just stood in the background, looking like he wanted to say something but didn't.

You guys went on about your business when you started to get less and less careful. You would kiss Ash's hand and hug him from behind when there was only one person in the hall:

"Y/n what are you doing?"
"Just showing a little extra love to my bf. Isn't this how couples act?"
"We could get caught tho"
"You didn't seem to mind when you were holding my hips in front of my locker with about 20 people in the hallway."
"That was different"
"Because I was subtle about it."
"Im getting sick of this Ash. I wanna kiss and hug you in public and hold your hand"
"You were the one that wanted this. I was perfectly fine being public"
"Ash I can't do this anymore. I wanna go public and that's that"
"Okay, Y/n. It's your life"
"It's our life Ash. It's our future"
"Whatever, I'm gonna be late to class if I don't go now"
Ash walked away and all you wanted to do was cry. You just wanted to be public without the fear of your parents and friends finding out. But you were sick of girls flirting with Ash, no one knowing about you two and just being so secretive about eachother. So, you hatched a plan.

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