14. Forever

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A/n: This is gonna be a long chapter so bear with me 😅 also some more softy Ash at the end. Enjoy babes!
⚠️TW: Mentions of r@pe(very briefly), killing people and therapy, also all of the warnings from last chapter.⚠️

"I'm fine." Was all you managed to say, this man just murdered someone and is acting like it basically didn't happen.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, Y/n but he was gonna kill you, Fez and me so I did what I had to do. I told you it's a fickle industry"
"I know. I know why you did it, it's just scary seeing you kill someone and injuring his co worker".
"Ik ma. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it around you."
Ash pulled you into a hug. Fez went out to go get some stuff to clean up the body and you and Ash were left in the house. You cleaned Ash up and even helped Custer with his broken nose(Custer is bold and Italicized):
"No problem. If it still hurts I'll give you some Tylenol"
"We don't have Tylenol, babe"
"You're telling me we have Meth but not Tylenol??"
"Y/n we're drug dealers not a drugstore"
"It's Fine I don't need it."

Fez had come back from the store and was getting rid of Mouse when you decided that you wanted to go home. You called Maddy and before you knew it, she was outside;

"Maddy's here, I'm gonna dip. See you guys
tomorrow maybe"

"Okay, Ma. Text me when you get home."

"Bye, Y/n. We might be at the store tomorrow just to let you know."


You left and heard Ash and Fez yelling.




"Whatever Bro imma try to sleep this shit off."

You got in the car. Maddy was pressing you on what happened but you couldn't tell her. You loved Maddy but you knew that it would come up as blackmail or in an argument later so you just kept quiet(Maddy is bold):
"Bitch what happened?"
"Nothing. Im telling you nothing happened"
You went to turn up the volume of the song you  were listening to but Maddy turned it down:
"I wanted to hear that"

"Did they do something to you. Y/n I swear to fucking god if they raped you or tried to hurt you-"

"They would never do something like that. It was just an eventful night thats all"

"Okay. But if something happened-"

"I would tell you"

Maddy dropped it after that and left you alone. You had went home and changed. You put on a pair of your comfiest pj pants and baggiest t- shirt and fell asleep.

You had a nightmare about Mouse trailing his hand up your leg and Ash shooting him; He than put the gun to your head and shot you. You screamed as you woke up and started sweating. You looked at the clock and realized that it was 4 in the morning. Thank god that you didn't have school the next day other wise you'd be screwed. You tried your best to go back to sleep but you couldn't forget what Ash did to you; you knew that it was a dream but it felt so real; You knew he would never do that to you but no matter how hard you tried, there was still a lingering feeling of "what if".

You got up earlier than your parents and decided to make breakfast. You made: eggs, bacon, pancakes and waffles and even made a fruit salad to go with it(your mom is bold and your dad is underlined);
"What's all of this?"

"I just felt like making breakfast, how do you like your eggs?"

"However you like yours is fine."

"Okay. Dad?"

"Same as mom"

"Okay 3 over easy eggs coming up" you said with a smile

"This is definitely a change of pace. I could get used to it."

"You said it"

You all sat down and started eating. Things were going well until you checked your phone. You saw your normal messages from the group chat, Instagram notifications and Ash's messages but something was different about them, he usually only sent you a few messages but you looked at your Notification Center and saw 30 messages from Ash:

"Hey you good"
"Hey, you told me you would text when you got home"
"Are you home"
"Bitch are you okay????"
"Imma assume you're okay and you went to sleep"
"You'd tell me if you died right?"
"I'd tell you if I died."
"I'll love you forever, Y/n"
18 missed calls from Ash🚬

"Hey I'm gonna go make a call."

"Okay, sweetheart. Thanks for breakfast"

"No problem, Dad"

You went up to your room and called Ash back:
"Hey I'm sorry I didn't call you back I was

"You're good. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know that was really traumatic for someone like you who's never seen something like that."

"Yeah it was really traumatic. Um... i think I need time to figure that out. Maybe I'll go to therapy or something for it but I just need space right now."
"Oh okay. That's fine, I understand that was really hard for you and I shouldn't have subjected you to that. If you need to go to therapy that's fine. I just wanted to tell you that I'll love you forever and if you're ready to talk about it, I'm here"

You were tearing up at this point and that really sent you into full on crying:

"I'll love you forever and a day Ashtray"

"Let me know if you need me, Ma"

Ash hung up and you started full on sobbing. You couldn't believe how your boyfriend could be so soft and sweet but kill a man in the same hour. You couldn't believe how lucky you got with having someone like him.

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