20. Study Dates

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For as long as you can remember, you loved reading. You started reading chapter books when you were 5 and finished the Harry Potter series by the time you were 8. You thought of reading as a little escape, so when you turned 15 and you got your car the library was the first place you went.
You also loved the library because it was quiet and it gave you a chance to get away from everything and everyone. Everytime you had an assessment of any sort, you went to the library to study. To you, it was your little home away from home.
You and Ash had an upcoming history test coming up. It was a relatively easy test but you still took any opportunity you could go to one of your favorite places in the world. You saw that Ash had a 79 in the class while you had a 100(it was an easy course and the teacher was really like able) so you texted him and asked if he wanted to study:


Hey wanna go to the library and study with me?
*read 2:22 pm*


I thought it would be a good date 🤷🏽‍♀️
It gives you the opportunity to get
your grade up and I love the library.

Okay fine whatever
I'll pick you up in 10

Ash picked you up and he looked more out together than usual:
"Are you wearing cologne?"
"Yea why?"
"No reason. I just think you look and smell nice"

Ash had a small smile on his face as you told him that. He felt proud that you noticed something as small as him wearing cologne and ironing his tracksuit.
When y'all got to the library, you went over to your favorite table and put your stuff down. Ash took in the quiet environment and understood why you loved it so much. He put his messy notebook on the table and you took out your Flashcards that you had made the night before and you both got to work:
"What we're the first "cowboys" called?"
"Come on Ash. You know this"
"YES! You got it right"
"I kinda got the idea when you shouted "yes" "
"Oh okay"
You two went on for a while before you were on your last card:
"What happened at the Battle of Little Big Horn?"
"It was also known as Custers last stand because he tried to storm the largest Indian encampment like a dumbass and got killed. Serves the bitch right"
"That's correct."
"Fuck Custer bro"
"Yea. Well his ego was the size of Texas so"
You both chuckled at that. Since you finished studying, you both decided to explore the library a little bit more. You showed him where the young adults section is and shows him a book you thought he would like:
"Hey I think you'd like this book"
Ash wasn't the kind of person that would thoroughly enjoy reading but he thoroughly enjoyed you so he decided to give it a shot. You both went back to your table and started chatting quietly. You really loved this side of him and he loved seeing you at peace.
Ash kept staring at you while you talked about why the book you gave him was so good:
"Why are you a staring at me" you said with a smile on your face.
"I'm not staring, Y/n"
"Yes you are. Don't worry, you look cute when you stare"
"You look cute when you talk"
"You think so?"
You both kept getting closer and closer to each other until Ash leaned in and kissed you.
"Can we do that again?"
"I don't see why not"
After some time, Ash decided to drive you home but not before getting ice cream at your favorite shop:
"We should do that more often"
You laughed a bit and said:
"Yea totally"

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