9? I love you(Ashtray)

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⚠️TW: Guns and toxic relationships⚠️
You heard your parents yell and Cassie scream. You scurried down the stairs to see a pissed Ashtray holding something and your parents looking equally if not more pissed off than Ashtray(which was practically impossible)(Bold is your parents, italicized is Ash):


The thing in Ash's hand was a gun. Cassie started crying and your parents put their hands up and moved to the side. Ash saw you from the top of the stairs. You weren't scared because you know that he'd never even imagine hurting.
"Who tf are you dating, y/n? Who's knees do i have to break?"
"Wtf are you talking about??"
"Don't act stupid, it'll only make things harder."
"Idk who told you that I was dating someone but I'm not. I'm not even talking to anyone"
"First and foremost, you are not about to come up in my house, intimidate my family and close friend and yell at me for doing nothing all in the same hour, okay? And why would I lie about something like that? You claim that we've "been through so much" yet you don't know me well enough to know that I would never lie to you, let alone cheat on you."

Ash looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He was at a loss for words, he couldn't say anything. All that prep work, all that arguing with himself pretending it was you or your new s/o was out the damn window. All Ash could do was look at the floor and put the gun down. Your parents got scared with the loud thud. Cassie had ran out the open door and your parents considered following.

"I'm sorry Y/n, i really am. It's been a hard few weeks and I know that that's no excuse but still. I miss you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't give you everything that you needed in the relationship. I just never thought that someone could care for me as much as you do; I don't even care for myself as much as you do. I love you, I really do. It's just that I've never experienced anything like this relationship before and I handled it the way I would handle any"-

You stopped him with a kiss. You never thought that Ashtray would open up this much to himself let alone you. You embraced him and cried in his shoulder.
"I love you too and I-I'm sorry about your tracksuit."
He chuckled through his own tears and said:
"Fuck the tracksuit. I love you more and I have like 5 at home".

After that day, much to your parents and friends dismay, you two were inseparable. If you guys ever HAD to be apart, you would FaceTime each other and hug for like 5 minutes(in private obviously because Ash still has his reputation to uphold) when you finally saw each other. Not a day would go by when he wouldn't tell you how much he loved you. He opened himself up way more to you and communicated with you(almost a bit too much)
"Hey Y/n. I killed this guy but he was trying to kill me so I thought it was fair. Just thought you should know".
"Okay love".
You got a new nickname every day from him. He smiled way more too.

As for Cassie, she got her nose broken by Maddy and disowned by everyone because after you came to the conclusion that Cassie was pretending to be you, you told EVERYONE. It also didn't help that Maddy found out about her sleeping with Nate.
You had hopped on your bike to see your boyfriend. When you reached the house you saw that a SWAT team was outside one of them pointed a gun at you and said:
"Ma'am please get off the bike now!"
As if it was timed, you heard a guy say,
"He's down"
Than after a couple more shots, you heard a body hit the floor and an aching sensation began in your chest.

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