Start from the beginning

"Awwn... Poor milk seller."

"So... He went home sadly. On his way; he saw an old cottage—there she saw a woman observing salah, but she violate one of the rules; she was praying salah subh in the night?" Prince Abubakar exclaimed.

"Such a loser." Yasmin chipped in, she's kinda enjoying the story.

He continued. "—The milk seller caught her but ran away as soon as she saw him. The old woman knew she was in trouble and she expected the king's soldiers to come knocking on her door the next day. Well the next day; no one came. The day after also. A week later, the woman forgot what she'd done. A very cloudy evening the woman's cousin ran to the woman and slam a cup of milk on the woman's table. She said: 'cousin, look at this—the milk is spoilt.' The woman stared at the milk and she actually noticed the milk was diluted with water. She ask her where she bought it and her cousin answered it was from the milk seller in market. 'He cheated!' The woman yelled and ordered her cousin to take the report to the king. Doing that, they went to the king. The king hated cheat—so he summoned his soldiers to burst the man's home."

"What.. That woman is bad."

Yasmin scoffed from inside. "Really.. I'm stuck."

Abubakar smiled at Safeenah and continued. "After an hour, the man was brought before the king; it was that same milk seller who lost a gallon of milk to the hyenas. The soldiers have already battered him. The woman kept yelling as soon as she saw that man, she call him names. But as soon as she laid her eyes on his face she froze. 'The milk was over boiled.' She said instantly. The man knew not of what was happening—he knew for sure he added water to his milk. The king ask the woman if she was sure of what she said and she testified that her cousin over boiled the milk. The wise king Abu-Zahr asked the woman to give the milk seller a compensation for ruining his dignity and also apologized to him personally. That marks the end of my tale." Abubakar finished his tale with a smile.

"Wow, the woman is nice, I want to be like her. What is her name?" Safeenah questioned.

"Her name doesn't matter. What matters is the lesson in it; the woman also violate the prayer rule and the man didn't tell on him—he overlooked her trespass and that's why she lied to save him." Abubakar replied.

"See.. Little Safeenah; we all sin in this world, but the best of us are those who make taubah and forgive." Abubakar said.

"What is taubah?" Safeenah asked in a clueless manner.

"Repentance." Prince Abubakar answered, "regardless our religion, repentance and taubah are the same. It means you admit your sin in the front of your lord and ready to repent!" Abubakar lectured with a smile.

"Masha Allah!" Safeenah said as she was amused with the prince intelligence.

"My clothes please.. I'm sweating." Yasmin yelled as she was at the verge of crying. Safeenah tossed her clothes in the restroom and she and the Prince walked away before Yasmin could see them.

Yasmin opened the door; she was angry and scared.

"Who is Ali? I'll make sure I find him and I'll sue him and his daughter." She said and walked away angrily.

* * * *

"You shouldn't have come here." Prince Abubakar scolds Zarah as soon as he saw her.

"It's not too late to go back." Yasmin snickered. 

"What are we cooking today?" Abubakar asked ignoring Yasmin existence, knowing she's a longtime trouble maker.

"Okay, let's make spaghetti and meatballs, I betcha she can't cook it." Yasmin said wanting another stupid—childish food challenge.

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