"And this is your way of rebelling , sleeping with a criminal covered in tattoos that doesn't even see you as his wife!" She scoffs.

"I am not rebelling! I made my choice . This is me leaving the nest ..."

She walks over to me and hits me across my face.

"Time fi yuh leave mi place !" Lando returns to the living room . She dares not to say another word , I feel threatened by his presence too.

I am too ashamed to utter another word from my mouth.

My mom looks at us . "You will never get my blessing nor your daddy's own"She says before she leaves.


Lando's POV

If a neva her mada! She wouldn't still be breathing.

I hold Yanique in my arms and take her to the couch as she cries. I respect her for growing a thicker skin. She deserves to branch off on her own even if it is not with me. Everyone deserves to be happy in their life.

I heard the entire conversation from where I was standing , her mother is wrong , she doesn't know di impact weh Yanique have on mi.

Mi cya even comprehend wah she duh to mi, no other woman neva mek mi feel like this. There is more to this than what she will ever understand.

"Lando , I need answers" Yanique sobs and looks up at me.

I saw this coming. I wish I had time to explain it all to her, I can't do this now but I can tell with all that had happened between us , she deserves the truth.

I get up from the couch and sit on the table in front of her. "Ask yuh questions Yanique but please only ask di ones you can manage di truth fah"

I brace myself for whatever she decides she wants to knows. I still think this is not the time for it but I owe her this much.

"Are you a criminal Lando? ...how do you afford this lifestyle?"

Mi ave fi admit this is not what I thought she would start off wid. I don't think it's hard to figure out how I afford this lifestyle. My father was a Don , my brother replaced him and with their help I was able to get a slice of the cake from a young age , I was smart enough to invest wisely into my tourism business.

I think about all the correct answers for her question but none of it seems fitting for a response.

"Where's your phone ?" I ask her .

"In the bedroom" she looks at me puzzled.

"Take off your Apple Watch" she shoots me a concern look.

"Are you trying to imply that I am recording you?" She asked.

"I am not trying to imply anything. Just do as I say Yanique"

She takes off the watch and hands it to me, I turn it off and carry it to the kitchen then I return to her.

"I do indulge in activities that society term as illegal actions but in my case it would be defending one's life and people I care about." I say as I sit next to her.

"What are those actions Lando?"

"I just answered that"

"No you didn't answer that. Your argument is vague. Do not try to outsmart me!" Okay so I guess she really is ready for the truth.

"Yanique I've done quite a lot of things I am not proud of but I had to do it when I'm in survival mode"

"You still haven't answered my question! Do you kill, do you steal! What are the things you indulge in?" She stands .

Church girl and di scammerWhere stories live. Discover now