Chapter 16~ The Meaning Of A Word

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"Daughter," I stated. "Hmph." I lightly chuckled then burst out in maniacal laughter. "DAUGHTER?!" I stated again loudly making the room shake. "I am no daughter of yours," I said making my way closer to her. Making our eyes level and our distance closer. "Do you know what the word daughter means Maleficent?" I asked and she stood quiet studying me. "Daughter means a woman who protects, cares for, and loves..."I emphasized the last word a bit more and continued."....their kin. You Maleficent, have done none of that. You left me to play housewife to some little blonde girl who doesn't even need you anymore.  And for what? Revenge turned into a love for the daughter of the man that LEFT YOU?! THAT TRIED TO KILL YOU?! Isn't it ironic that the thing you hated most was that man leaving you, a man who you loved, and yet you left your daughter who would've loved you? You did the same thing he did. HYPOCRITE!" I finished my astute monologue and she stayed silent. "Pathetic. Even after all this time, you still can not own up to what you've done. You're under my father's supervision so do not leave this room. If I see you snooping around I will kill you Maleficent and I will make sure it hurts just as much as what you've done to me. Understood?" Without waiting for a response I turned around and started to walk away. Just as I was reaching the end of the room I heard something. Quiet. But there.

"I'm sorry." It came from dear ol' mummy's mouth. I paused my walk, turned my head slightly to face her, and stated loudly.

"Bite me." Then I walked out of the room to the council chambers. 

"WE WILL NOT GO TO WAR!" My father stated loudly.

"Already fighting boys? And you didn't wait for me?" I said and walked to the middle of the room to face my father. "Father. You seem to forget you're all-out of telling me what to do in the matters I insert myself in. It is high time we get not only our land back but our dignity." I step back and start to speak to the room. "For so long we have lived in the shadows! We have eaten off their scraps, we have been slaves, we have been ridiculed, known as monsters, while our children starved, and our men and woman died fighting. I say no more. The Queen has armed herself with what makes us weak in an attempt to try to squander us so we remain dead, irrelevant, and forever just a myth to a world THAT WE BUILT! I say no more. I say we get off our pretty arses and we fight this war! Our last war! So we can finally live in peace like how the Pheonix wanted us to live. No more hiding! No more pain! Just FAE!" I look around the room and everyone is nodding. Then Borra spoke.

"LONG LIVE THE FAE!" Everyone around us started murmuring and I responded.

"LONG LIVE THE FAE!" And finally, everyone joined.


"That settles it then. PREPARE FOR WAR!!!"

"HURRAH!" The whole room shook with the cries of my brothers and sisters but even then I noticed my father leaving...with dear ol' mum. I scoffed. Go figures. They deserve each other. 


Maleficent's POV

"Has she always been like that?" I ask Conall. Which I now realize are the first words I've spoken to him in years. 

"A fighter? Yes. Loyal to her people? Even more so. Stubborn beyond belief? Why, yes of course. But blinded by hatred as she is right now? No, never. I've only seen this when it has involved you but this Queen has made new levels of anger within Y/n and I'm afraid she'll handle it with how she handles everything else. Fighting." 

"So, she hates me then."

"Yes, quite a lot. Rightfully so might I add?"

"You may and you're right. What I did all those years ago was wrong. Deeply truly wrong."

"Maleficent what's wrong is the fact that you're not admitting you're still doing it after all these years. You've only graced our home again because my daughter shot you, under any other circumstance you wouldn't even be here now. Be lucky I raised our daughter well or else you would be dead." 

"Is that a threat?"

"No. It's the truth." We stop at what seems to be my old chambers. "I moved out a while ago and it's been empty ever since. I thought you'd like familiar surroundings for your stay. I'm right down the hall if you need anything." He gestured to my door and walked off in the direction of his room. I opened the door and memories came rushing back to a time simpler. Once filled with love, a bit of heartbreak, but a time with her. My kin. I wished I spent those years with her but now once again I'm running away from her. I'm running away from the truth. I then was a woman full of fear and hatred that the love that was shown to me was blocked out. I have many apologies to give but the first one I give should be to her. I get out of the room and knock on the door that belongs to Conall. Conall looked at me and smiled sadly. "Training room. She would be there at this time." I nodded in thanks and headed there quickly thinking of what to say.


Y/n's POV

"Can you believe that righteous bird?"

"Maybe a little bit. You forget we've both had our fair share of parental issues." Borra stated and swept my legs leaving me on the ground. I then use my legs to lock with his and move so then he too is knocked down. We both get up and into new fighting stances.

"I just---the nerve really."

"I get it but you do realize now isn't the time to focus on your mommy issues. We have a war to prepare for."

"I realize that. You don't think I realize that?!" I say angrily charging at Borra tackling him to the floor and then I got up and restarted my stance. Borra then got up and put his hands up in a form of surrender. I calmed down my stance and he came up to me. 

"You're strong, smart, ruthless, and one damn well good leader. I know you'll do whatever you believe is right and I'm right here for you okay?" He says softly and leans in and just when our lips were going to meet I heard a cough.

"MHM HM." I turned to look and it was Maleficent.

"What did I say about walking around without my father?!" I pulled away from Borra and walked toward her. 

"That you'd kill me."

"Do you not believe I will?" I say trying to keep my calm.

"No, I believe you could but you won't. Not until you hear what I have to say." She says confidently.

"I don't want to hear a word out of your mouth." 

"Well then come on.

Kill me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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