Chapter 12~I Know Who I Am

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As soon as we land I walk into the council chambers.

"My Queen what a surprise. We thought you were out." Udo says.

"No, I'm right where I want to be. While you all were talking to each other like cowards I was fixing our new problem." The hall is silent until Father steps up.

"And what problem are you talking about exactly?" Dad looks at me.

"Humans and Maleficent. For too long she has messed up time and time again exposing us and our existence. Humans have been learning. They have been watching. And soon they will eradicate our race! So I decided to take things into my own hands."

"Why exactly is my son here then? He has no clearance for this chamber." Brendan, Borra's father speaks. I can feel Borra tense next to me.

"As of today, Borra is second in command. Replacing you." I say smiling cruelly. I know what that man did to Borra.

"You can't do that I've been here for years. Borra has no experience and he lacks control." Brendan raises his voice at me.

"You say he lacks control and yet I'm standing here with dignity and with every word you slowly lose yours."

"Who do you think you are?" He says growling coming closer to me and pointing a finger. Borra steps to cover me but I hold out my hand to tell him no and he reluctantly took a step back. I took a step forward and smacked Brendan's finger out of my face.

"I know who I am. The real question is...who will you be once I call the guards to take you out forcefully. The answer....a pathetic man." I spit out in his direction.

He looked at me with daggers for a good while then huffed and stomped out of the council room. I looked at Borra and I could tell what he was thinking. He was of course happy he got the spot and his father was gone but I could still see that little glimpse of love for his father even after....what he has done.

"Borra. Let him go." I held one of his hands and put my other hand on his cheek. "We have work to do." Borra nodded resolutely and I faced the council. "If anyone else wants to act like a child they are free to leave. Otherwise, we need to get back on topic." I stood there and everyone was silent looking at me with respect and a little fear. I continued speaking.

"I have put in a plan to fix both our problems. I have made my way with the Queen into her circle. Now that I've done that not only will I be able to kill Maleficent but get the inside scoop on what the Queen has planned for us. Eventually killing her too."

"My Queen, you want to kill your mother?" Udo asks me.

"Without question," I respond.

"No." My father said. I looked in his direction.

"No? You can't tell me no."

"We will be just bad as humans if we result to killing." He says sadly as if disappointed I even came up with the idea.

"You're just saying that because you still have feelings for the bird."

"She is your mother!" He said raising his voice.

"She was."

"She still is. She cares about you and she loves you."

"THEN WHY DID SHE LEAVE? IF SHE LOVED ME SOOOO MUCH THEN WHY LEAVE?" The council chambers shook and everyone looked horrified at me. Not Borra though nor my father they both looked at me with concern. I looked into Borra's eyes and I could tell he was trying to calm me down. I took a deep breath and spoke. "My decision is final. If you don't like it, too bad." I shrugged my shoulders. My voice is calm now. I turned my heel and left the room heading for Borra's. I feel safe in his room more than I ever did in mine. Mine feels so empty. You could never play in the room because it was supposed to look neat and polished. Can't show the people you're messy. Right? I open the door to his room and plop down on his bed looking at the pink ceiling and smelling his scent.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I face upwards towards the door and respond.

"Never. You?"

"Not likely." We chuckle. "Why did we get stuck with the crappiest parents of the year?"

"Your mom was a sweetheart. So is my Dad. Even though he can get on my nerves." Borra laid beside me on his bed. I went back up to face the ceiling even though I could feel his gaze on me.

"Talking about mothers...are you sure you're okay with what is going to go down?"

"No, but it needs to get done."

"For you? Or for your people?"


"And your father?"

"Will have to deal with it." There was a silence before I spoke again. "Why do you ask? Do you think I'm doing something wrong?"

"I've wanted to kill my dad on many occasions but at the end of the day, I would be giving him what he wants. So I don't do it. But Maleficent doesn't want you to kill her. At least I don't think so." He chuckles bitterly. "By killing her you'll do exactly what she doesn't want. If that makes sense."

"So you're saying I'm right then. I should do it because she doesn't want me to. So I can finally rest at night knowing I wasn't a reject. That I finally won."

"If that's what makes you happy. Then yes." I turn to face Borra now who has been looking at me this whole time. He took a few strands of hair away from my face. "You were never a reject either. You always belonged."

"You make me happy." I blurted out. "Even though it sounds completely corny and sappy. You make me happy." I say to him smiling.

"I know I have that effect on the ladies." I elbowed him.

"Yeah right," I said rolling my eyes.

"You can sleep here tonight. I'll take the floor."

"Borra being a gentleman for once what a shocker." Now he was the one rolling his eyes at me.

"Don't get used to it." He starts to move but I stopped him.

"You can sleep in your bed just keep your hands to yourself," I say going to the left side of his bed facing away from him. I hear him chuckle.

"Yes ma'am." He says sarcastically and I feel him go onto his side of the bed facing me. I turn around and we were face to face again.

"Thank you," I said kissing him.

"If that's what I get from letting you stay here I should do it more often."

"Shut up," I say turning back around.

"I'll wake you up for training tomorrow."

"Mhm," I say mumbling my eyes already closing.

"I love you." He says. I don't know whether he meant for me to hear that, he thought I was asleep, or did it on purpose. Maybe it was a figment of my imagination. Or maybe he was even joking but it still made my heartbeat and a huge smile come onto my face.

"I love you too," I mumble back. Not sure if I said it or not. Or if he heard.

Little Did I Know He Did.

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