"Hmm, maybe the woman feed him so that he could taste better for her later." Robin suggested in thought.

"That's what you are thinking...?" Zoro sweat-drooped.

"STOPPP IIT!! PLEASE!!" Chopper and Usopp begged while trembling with fear.

"Stop filling false stories into their brains, it's gonna become a headache later."

The green-haired swordsman said to Kei. Kei who's expression had turned back to a bored one replied-

"What are you talking about. It's an actual famous story I read in a book long time ago. Have you never heard of Yamauba? "

"What type of books have you been reading?....." He sweat-dropped again.

"Oh, I have read about that." Robin intervened.

" It's a folklore about a mountain witch that turns into a young lady to attract travellers and eat them at night. Some believe those witches actually exists. "

And that was the last straw for Usopp.

"Hey!! Luffy! Let's get back!-" he went to say.

"Thanks for having us!!"

"Thanks for having us~~!!"

The Sniper's eyes popped in shock when he saw Luffy and Sanji already entering the house without a care in the world. Their captain was stupid and Sanji would never decline an invitation to house by a woman.

"Ahh!! They are already going inside."

A sigh left from Nami at this. "Seriously, those two idiots."

Having no other option, the others too entered the house. Usopp was hesitant but than be thought that it was better to be with others than be alone, so he entered the house too.

When Luffy slid open the door, he was greeted with a entryway and a hallway with elevated wooden floor. A woman who looked like the servant came and placed some slippers in front of them.

"Please remove your shoes and wear these."

Aiko said while gesturing to the slippers. Luffy was the first one to kick off his sandals and wear the slippers while others followed and did the same. The Strawhat was looking around himself with curiosity in his eyes.

"Please follow me. "

Aiko said while she started leading them somewhere. While walking, Kei turned towards the new archeologist of their crew who was beside her and quietly called out to her.

"Psst, Robin." Robin turned to look at her with a questionable look.

"What else did learn while doing your research?" Kei inquired. Robin seemed to thought about it for a second, as if trying to remember and then said-

"The place that we are in right now is called the Midori village. You might have noticed a lot of people wearing green right?"

Kei nodded to her question. Zoro, who was walking in front of them was looking in front but his ears were paying attention to what Robin was saying as well.

"It's because it has been one of their culture since ages ago. It's not a rule or necessity but the people here still prefer to wear it. The Kawakami family has been one of the richest family in this village and also, for several generations, it's always the Kawakami family that lead this village. It's seems that the people of this village depend and trust them deeply. "

"Kei, Chopper said you all got into some trouble with people in blue clothes right?" Usopp suddenly asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Kei asked in confusion.

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