Chapter 4

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Thomas now sat with a group of people he didn't know. He felt uncomfortable, trying to make small talk.

"Hey im Thomas" "we know who you are shank" Minho said. We met and Newts been talking about you all day,

Thomas and newts face both started going bright red. "Does the lizard have a crush on new boy" said the girl with black short hair whose name he learnt was Brenda.

"N-no i swear i dont, I swear".

"Chill newt, just a joke" Brenda said while rolling her eyes. Whispering to Minho that newt definitely has a crush on Thomas.

He'd learnt that they call themselves "the gladers" and everyone is mostly gay. He also learnt that him and Teresa and very much alike. There both gay, there both the smartest people in there school, well Thomas was back in beacon hills. Its now a fight over him and Teresa to see who's actually the smartest. He'd also learnt that she had a girlfriend called Brenda.

Everything was going fine, until Thomas felt something furry poking him.

"Shit. No this can't be happening, not now" he muttered. "Thomas what's wrong". Worried looks now came from all the people on the table.

Thomas stood up getting his jacket and putting it over his ass, a piece of orange furr stuck out from underneath. He ran out of the room saying "I'm sorry I'll be back. Please don't follow me everything's okay.

The group was now left talking to themselves about what just happened.

"Dude he definitely got a boner for newt " said Brenda sarcastically. "Why would he cover his ass then and not his dick" said Teresa.

"Did you guys also see the orange furr sticking out?" Asked Minho.

"I think we should follow him" a bunch of yeses and nods came from the gladers.

Thomas was running, running to the only friends he could trust with his secret. He made his way to his neighbours house. Stuart and Neha Twombly. He met them when he moved to England. Apparently they knew Deaton, And honestly Deatons the only person he trusted. So if they knew deaton they could definitely be trusted.

He knocked on there door all ready out of breath. The effect slowly starting to take place.

All Thomas knew is that he was a werefox, According to Deaton the nogitsune's powers where transferred into him. Apparently know-ones supposed to survive the nogitsune, but he did which meant he took his powers.

The other thing he knew, with the help of Deaton is that all were fox's in half transformation form have different ages and Thomas's luck his foxes age was 4.

He can't control his powers yet and it would be embarrassing if he started acting like a 4 year old cub. Thats why he ran out of the canteen, he can't be acting like a four year old in front of people.

Stuart opened the door, unexpected to see his new fox neighbour standing there.

"Thomas come in" Stuart greeted. Thomas rushed in without saying a word he knew Stuart would handle this situation. It happened a lot in the short time he'd been here.

"Oh i see, Thomas you really need to get Deaton to show you how to control your powers" only to get a small Wimper from Thomas.

At this point Thomas's mind went blank, he couldn't think probably. Most due to the fact that his mind is shrinking to a 4 year olds.

Thomas made a Wimper noise and asked Stuart "f-food? Hungry".

"Of course cub, let me warm some Mac and cheese for you" he soon left before parting Thomas's fox ears and scratching them.

Newt and the rest of the group or as they call it "gladers" followed Thomas. In any other scenario you would think it's creepy but Thomas is there new friend and they just want to help him.

They saw Thomas knocking on the door very unfocused and tripping on every word he said.

They went around the apartment near a window and saw Thomas and some other guy.

"Holy shit. Th-Thomas has fucking fox ears and a fucking tail" Minho whispered excitedly.

"Chill with the swearing dude" newt responded with a dramatic eye roll.

"So Thomas is a fox?" Brenda asked. "I think" newt responded. "I think we need to have a little chat with Thomas".

They knocked on the door. A few minutes later the same man Thomas was talking to appeared in front of the door.

"Hello, can i help you?" The man asked hesitantly. "Yes, we saw Thomas come i here, we're friends of his. Can we talk to him?".

"Sorry he's kinda busy at the moment" Stuart responded.

"We know he's a fox" newt spoke firmly.

Stuart welcomed and greeted them inside and pointed to Thomas's direction. "Would u like anything, I'm making Mac and cheese for Thomas here would you guys like some".

"Yes!" Minho shouted a little too fast "Minho seriously" Teresa sighed.

"What, I'm hungry we had to leave the canteen." He answered back with a small pout.

They made there way to the living room where they saw Thomas playing with some toy blocks.

Teresa squealed in excitement when she saw Thomas, she immediately ran next to him and started rubbing his ears which caused a little giggle from Thomas.

Everyone awed at the moment, they all knew Teresa loved pets. Thomas isn't a pet though he's his own person. Newt wanted explore and do more with Thomas but that can happen another time.

"Teresa, I think you broke him" Thomas then went and sat on Teresa's lap and put his tail in front of her.

"I think he wants u to stroke his tail T" newt said

Teresa started stroking his tail and he fell asleep instantly. He must of been tired i guess.

Stuart then came back with 2 bowls of Mac and cheese. "Oh he's alseep, make sure to give it to him when he wakes up"

"I need to go soon, I have a date with Neha my girlfriend. Why did you need to talk to Thomas?".

"He ran out of the canteen, we were just worried about him. He was stuttering this morning when i met him, just wanted to make sure he's all right" newt responded with a mix emotion on his face, it wasn't happy nor sad.

Stuart then told the gladers about Thomas. He said that where Thomas came from he was hated. Hated by his friends, hated by everyone. He also said he needed an escape, that Thomas was lonely, that Thomas knew he was a fox but felt bad going to this Deaton guy to help get control because he didn't want to burden him.

Newt felt sick of the thought. Who could ever hate Thomas, when he wanted to introduce him to the gladers he said he also felt like a burden.

"That's all he told me, I've only met him a few days ago. Im really happy he opened up to me, when I called Deaton he said that stiles-

"Who's stiles?" Brenda asked interrupting Stuart.

"Stiles is Thomas apparently, he used to go by stiles. But stiles isn't his real name and Thomas isn't also. His name is polish and super hard to pronounce." Stuart announced, anyways before i was rudely interrupted I was saying Stiles doesn't open a lot to people i don't know what happened to him before but all I know it's not good

"he also had a fight with a teacher because he kept on calling him his real name." Newt grinned.

"Well I'm going on my date, do you guys mind watching him i'll tell you all the stuff baby stiles li-

Before Stuart could finish his sentence newt asked. "Baby stiles?, and sure we don't mine watching him it seems like Teresa is already taking care of that. He then points to Teresa cuddling Thomas and holding him like a baby.

"Yeah that's what we named him, don't trash my place or I'll make Thomas bite you" Stuart said sarcastically.

And with that he left, leaving teenagers taking care of their new werefox friend.

His escape | NewtmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon