"What is it?" Annabeth asked, seeing Grover's reaction. It felt like an important thing and she didn't know about it. She hated not knowing things.

"It's the personal blessing of Lord Pan, he used the blessing to allow the animals that had passed to join the resting place of immortals. The realm of the faded, it is supposed to be the greatest resting place, it would make the Isles of the blest look like a slum." Grover answered her.

"Then why don't you do it?" Annabeth asked again. She couldn't understand what Grover was waiting for.

"Because no one other than Lord Pan has been able to do it." Grover said, and both he and Annabeth looked at Perseus incredulously. Seriously, was his brain filled with seaweed? How did he expect Grover to do something that no one had done before?

"How is he supposed to do what others couldn't?" Annabeth asked him.

"I believe he can, with correct guidance." Perseus motioned Grover to come forward. Something about his voice convinced them that Grover could do it. Grover nodded and agreed to try the spell. Perseus had Grover crouch down and put his hand on the wolf's head.

"Channel your emotions more clearly. Think about how the wild gone now makes you feel anger, how the mistreated animals make you feel rage." Perseus said, and he could see Grover getting mad. "Now imagine about how the wild is supposed to be, how the animals used to run free. You might not get to see it Grover, but you can help this wolf see it."

"Feel the presence of Pan beneath you, every satyr alive is his kin. You all share the traits he had, just imagine it." Perseus said, and he could see the change in Grover. The usual scrawny satyr that lacked confidence, now had his back straightened. Perseus could also sense that nature's magic was growing stronger in him.

Grover could not believe it, but he could actually feel the wild. On the inside of the running truck he could smell the wild; he moved down and spoke the blessing in the dead wolf's ears, and stepped back.

Annabeth sat still in silence as she observed Grover do the blessing. His posture had changed after what Percy had told him. She could see that he was more determined, more so than she had ever seen him before.

The mother wolf slowly turned into ash and disappeared. Grover and Annabeth had only seen a monster do that before, not any animals. Grover was shocked and amazed at himself that it worked. Perseus was smiling widely, and it made both his companions smile too.

Annabeth felt her heart flutter when she saw the genuine smile on his face. She didn't understand what it meant; she was unsure about this feeling.

"How did it work?" She asked him, amazed; both Grover and her turned to him to hear his answer.

He smiled at her and she felt the same unfamiliar feeling fill her being, "Satyrs are empathetic beings, they feel everything. The world around them, they feel the emotion of people around them. They have to channel their own emotions to do the nature magic that they are capable of, I just helped Grover find his."

Annabeth nodded and smiled. She had learned a lot of things just by traveling with Percy, things that no one in the Athena cabin knew about. She wanted to learn as much as she could in this quest. A god himself spreading his wisdom, there was no way she was going to miss out on that.

The wolf nuzzled against Annabeth's legs, and she picked it up. It tried to howl, but it came out like a high pitched bark. She chuckled and scratched his neck, "You're so cute," she told him.

I am not cute. I am dangerous, and vicious. Annabeth heard someone talk inside my brain. She almost dropped the pup in shock. She looked around to see Grover and Percy looking at her with a smirk.

Perseus- The Lost GodWhere stories live. Discover now