(14) Sometimes I don't understand you

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Kim Seolmi picked herself up before their family could be humilated any futher and tried to excuse herself. She was not feeling well, apparently. Jeolsi, though, thought differently because she was adamant she wanted to stay.

"Jeolsi, I said I am not feeling well. Do you not care about your own mother now?"

"But, mom, this is so unfair. I said it's unfair!"

"And I said I am not feeling well"

"Then you go on ahead, mom." Slight giggles could be heard throughout the hall. Jeolsi looked around and soaked everything in. But then she saw Taehyung who was also giggling. "You! You are coming with us. It has been so long since I had spent some time with my precious little brother. Let's go."

She put her hand towards him, only to be swatted away by Jungkook's.

"You think you can touch him? Think again." He clearly stated.

"Ms. Jeolsi, I warn you for the last time Kim Taehyung is now part of the Jeons and if you harm him, then the Jeons will come next banging on your front door." Mr. Jeon warned her.

"Oh, I told them where you live, dear sister." Taehyung said with a huge smile. Rveryone there were trying to hold back their laughter.

"Are you coming now, Kim Jeolsi?" Seolmi said with muderous eyes.

"...Yes" She quitely stated and followed her mother. "Before that mother let me atleast hug my oh so very kind brother." She quickly held Taehyung and whispered in his ears, "You are dead." and left.

"That was quite a show!" Mr. Jeon stated. He proceeded to talk to other parties of interest, leaving the couple behind. Jungkook looked over at Taehyung with loving eyes, bowed a little and put his hand out.

"Will you dance with me?"

"Of course." Taehyung put his hands in Jungkook's. He pulled him towards the dance floor and everybody watched in awe.

As brutal Taehyung had the tendency to be, he naturally inclined more towards elegance and it was displayed in the way he moved. In the way he followed the younger along. Every beat. Breathtaking. Beautiful. As they finished their lovely dance, everyone clapped.

The rich, which had only been interested in the gossip until a few moments ago, now understood why Jungkook would give up being with the heir of the Kim family because what he had in his arms now, was much more serene. It was the kind of pure love they didn't witness in their world where there were only mutual exchanges of contracts, and wars if the said contracts weren't signed. Death was at your door, so you played the part that was given to you. Many blamed others, some their own circumstances.

But what they saw today changed something in them.

One of the spectators was of course, Kim Jeolsi. Her eyes were lit with anger, her lips bled as she had bit down on them hard. The pain was nothing because the pain caused by jealousy and hate in her heart was worse.

As jimin held the documents in his hands, he gasped in disbelief. He knew Taehyung wasn't normal or a petty criminal or just a murderer. No, he was much greater than that.

Does Jungkook know?

A spy! That too in our midst! Taehyung's background story felt surreal to jimin. Mercenary at such a young age and then a SS rank agent in one of the most powerful Underworld organizations. How would he tell this to his childhood friend? He was at a loss of words.

Taehyung was an important asset too. Kim family! They are not as great as the Jeons but they did have power. Generations of power and money.

And this boy killed Kim Jeoljo? Was that why he went to prison? Unbelievable. An unbelievable mess Jungkook had gotten into. He slammed the papers down and headed straight out.

He had to talk.

"Yes, Jungkook, we will immediately sent a team to deal with them."

"Good, Yoongi hyung. Do it as fast as possible, father's orders."

"I'm taking Taehyung though."

"And why is that?"

"He is skilled. Very skilled. I'm in awe every time I see him. He'll be helpful. And if you're worried about him don't be."

"You'll protect him, hyung?"

"No, Jungkook, he doesn't need protection. You should be worried about the enemies. I wonder what their condition is going to be like after encountering him."

They both chuckled and hung up. Jungkook put his phone down in his office and sighed. He was still worried. His lover was formidable, yes, but he couldn't help but be worried. Jungkook went to his safe kept under his table and took out a sealed envelope.

Jungkook dialed the elder's number.

"Hello Sangho hyung?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Deliver some documents for me."

"Why did you invite me here, Jimin-ah?" Taehyung sat down at the table he saw Jimin had been waiting at. It was a cafe near the base. It small but cute and very comfortable. He was about to take sip of his drink that already been ordered when Jimin pulled it away with a quick movement.

"Does Jungkook know?" Jimin simply asked.


"How much does he know?"

"Everything you do and much more."

"Even the fact that you are a Kim?"

"Yeah. Mr. Jeon does too." Jimin sighed.

"Who else does?"

"Nobody else."

"Are you a spy for them?"


"How can I believe you?"

"You don't have to."

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