(13) It's such a strange thing to do

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"Jungkook, my son, are you ready for tonight?" Mr. Jeon asked his son who was standing waiting for his lover outside their unit. He looked giddy, sliding his hands inside his pockets taking them out, walking around to calm his nerves. "Are you that nervous to go the party?"

"No, father, that's not it. This is my first time going out with Taehyung." A blush crept on his son's face, which was followed by a gentle smile on Mr. Jeon. It's been so long since he had seen his son this gleeful.

"What a suprise that the Kims had a third child. I would have never come to know if not for the whole ordeal."

"Yeah, they are a family with secrets. When Taehyung first told me I thought it was quite crazy that they would go to such lengths." Jungkook had started to absolutely despied them since that day. The Kims weren't exactly likeable people in the first place.

"They did make good buisness partners though."

"Are you still considering buisness with them?"

"I said they did son, they did. I looked into a few things after what you told me and some things felt off. Also it seems that they have been targeting some of our men for quite some time now. It has become an annoying issue. Deal with it soon."

"Yes, father." The door opened and Taehyung stood there in all his eternal glory. He was looking stunning. Jungkook's brain was all over the place but looking at Taehyung, everything seems to be in place now. Everything made sense. He knew everything will be fine too.

He took his hand in his and they proceeded towards their car.

The party was held for the opening of a new hotel by a prominent family in the area. All the influencers of the underworld seemed to be present there. The elegant hustle bustle, hushes, giggles and claps could be heard. The grandoise was on another level. Clearly, it was Taehyung's first time witnessing something this huge. He was never allowed to accompany his parents to such events like his sibings did.

After he grew up, he was always in war zones so there was that. He held Jungkook's hands and even in the excessively air-conditioned chilled air, he felt warm. Mr. Jeon walked in front of them as they were welcomed by the guards stationed at the front entrance. Everything Taehyung saw, smelled and heard felt rich. All of his senses elevated from the extra sensitivity of the new environment.

Mr. jeon went ahead and started to greet the people at the party. Jungkook was doing the same, Taehyung along with him. No words were spoken between them but trust seemed to linger in the air and that was enough for the both of them.

The monstrosity of his sister noticed his presence sooner than he had expected her to. An annoyed expression dawned on her features. She gathered Seolmi with her and without any hesitance started to approach him. He tapped on Jungkook's shoulder and made him aware of the situation.

"Well, hello there Mrs. Kim and Ms. Jeolsi. What a pleasure to see my in-laws here." Jungkook began the facade. Taehyung followed suite.

"Mom, sister, oh my god, it's  been so long! How are you guys?"

"Stop with the drama, Taehyung." Jeolsi warned with venomous eyes.

"Drama? Whatever do you mean sister?" He gasped at how very unbelievable his sister was been. He dripped in sarcasm.

"Stop it. We know you guys aren't married."

"We are though. Isn't marriage just a realtionship plus a bunch of vows. We have done the relationship part just the vows are left. It's pretty much the same thing sister. Do not fret over unnescessary minuite details. Right, Jungkook-ah?"

"Yes, honey. You are right. Sister-in-law, why fret over the details?" Jungkook looked over with an concerned expression at her. Whatever it was that worried her he wondered sarcastically.

"Oh, stop it. You stole him from me. How dare you? I'm heir to the position of head of the Kim household and you dare to defy me!" Jeolsi raised her voice which caught everyone's attentiion. You think the rich are busy? No, they aren't. They are waiting for drama and they saw some right now. So who cares about the new fashion show in Cannes or if a volcano erupted on White Island. All they care about is that the Kim family's only daughter and heir was cheated on.

"Ms. jeolsi I never agreed to your proposal. It was just you assuming things." Jungkook gave a strict explanation. He was not about to let things get dragged in Taehyung's direction.

And the rich ate it up. So she wasn't cheated on but was being delusional? Wow, next time they hold a tea party, they knew their hot topic of discussion.

"Mr. jungkook I didn't expect such insolent behaviour from a person who comes from a respectable family especially the jeons no less." Seolmi stated. But nobody cared because immediately another great figure joined in.

"Whatever it is about my family that you find insolent Mrs. Kim?" Mr. jeon asked with a serious look on his face. "As far as i recall, I never agreed to Mr. Yohan's marriage propasal of your daughter for my son."

The Kims were a leading figure in the underworld. When it came to the matter of the underworld there are only two ways that a matter can be handled. One they kill their opponent but this method is usually used in nouve riche of the underworld. The ones who only know viloence, and second, humiliation which was the method of the old rich, the ancestral criminal families. They are so powerful that if they started to use violence, another world war would ensue so they kept their weapons strictly for buisness.

That is why it was so entertaining. The Kims had been quite annoying for the most people present there. And if its the Jeons even the Kims would have a hard doing anything.

This was so very entertaining.

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