Chapter 8

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-An Hour Later-

Nova's P.o.V.

We were all waiting in the throne room when the secretary came in to tell us that they were here.

"Send them in." Aro said and the secretary nodded and left.

Soon the door opened and in came Lula and her coven. Alexandria's eyes brighten and looked to me and Aaron for permission to go hug her. We both nodded and she ran to give her a hug. Lula was caught off guard but then her eyes brighten too and hugged her back.

"Hey, Alexandria. How are you?" Lula asked.

"Good, but how could you not tell me that you started your own coven?" Alexandria said sadly and looked down.

But Lula put her finger under her cheek and lifted her face up to say something.

"I'm sorry, dear sister. I wanted to but they didn't want me to tell you because they were scared for their powers." Lula said and looked back to her coven and Alexandria nodded.

I went over to hug her with my coven following me and we each hugged her and then went back to our spots.

"Hello, Nova. How are you?" Lula asked.

"I'm doing good, how about you. Seems you got yourself a coven and leader of it too." I commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is my Coven. This is Flynn, Lilith, Zasha and my adoptive daughter Katelyn." Lula introduced her coven and they all nodded except the girl Katelyn who was looking around with wary eyes.

"uh, Lula. What's wrong with Katelyn?" Jordan asked eyeing Katelyn with curiosity.

"Uh, just her bad past and that made her not trust all men or women." Lula said and Jordan nodded.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce the Volturi, Lula." I said and she looked to me.

"In the middle is Aro, on the right is my mate Caius, and on the left is Marcus. The two wives, Sulpicia who is Aro's wife and this is Casey who is Marcus' wife. The upper guard is over behind Aro, Marcus and Caius. Their is Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix. The fisher for the Volturi is Heidi." I introduced everyone and Marcus extended his hand to Aro.. "

Aro." Marcus said raising his hand and Aro took it while Lula and her coven looked confused.

"He can see anything in your thoughts by touch." I explained and they nodded.

"Can I have everyone except Jane, Demetri, Felix, Alec, Heidi, Nova and your family and miss Lula and her coven leave." Aro asked nicely and the ones that weren't named left.

"Nova, does she know everything when she was turned?" Caius asked me.

"Yes, my family and I told everything from rules to how to live to mates. Why?" I asked.

"Well maybe we should leave you and Lula to talk we can wait somewhere else." Aro said and I looked to my family and they nodded.

"Of course." I said and soon the three kings and Alec, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, and Jane all left leaving us to talk. 

"So, Lula how have been?" Jordan asked.

"I have been good. Oh, I want you guys to meet some people. This is Flynn Bailey or Ash is his last name. The only boy in my coven, he was turned at the age of 16 and his vampire age is 27. His power is Levitation or transvection in the paranormal context is the rising of a human body and other objects into the air by mystical means or meditation. Some parapsychology and religious believers interpret alleged instances of levitation as the result of supernatural action of psychic power or spiritual energy. This is Lilith Gilbert-Ash. Her last name was Gilbert before changed it to Gilbert-Ash. She was turned at the age of 15 and her vampire age is 17. Her power is Clairvoyance is the claimed ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. Any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant. This is Zasha Gilbert-Ash. She doesn't smile much and stays next to her sister who is older than by a year. And yes they are biological sisters. She was turned at the age of 14 and her vampire age is 16. Her power is Atmokinesis is the ability to manipulate the atmosphere via psychic means. A user of this ability can change the weather and can cause freak weather. This ability allows manipulation and creation of natural weather conditions, such as, rain, thunderstorms, snow etc...  And this is my adoptive daughter Katelyn Ash. She doesn't trust men that is why she is closer to my side. She was turned at the age of 14 and her vampire age is 16. Her powers are, yes I said powers with an 's'. As I was saying her powers are Chlorokinesis-, also known as Agrokinesis, Botanokinesis, and Phytokinesis, is the ability to mentally and/or physically summon, control and manipulate plants and vegetation. The person with the ability can control and manipulate wood, rock soil, roots, fruits, and flowers, even moss found in natural field or habitat.    Terrakinesis- is the ability to control any form of earth; including metal, ink, and rock.          Pyrokinesis- is the purported psychic ability allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind. Telekinesis- How would you use your power? You’re snuggled very comfortably into the sofa, but the remote is at the other end of the room. A little brain activity and the object you desire flies smoothly through the air and into your hands. You don’t have to move a muscle.          Impenetrable Armor- How would you use your power? Essentially you are indestructible, able to withstand any pressure, pain or weight thrown at you: you can do whatever you want." Lula explained and we all looked at her with shock written on our faces.

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