Chapter 6

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Caius' and Nova's bedroom

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Caius' and Nova's bedroom

Nova's P.o.V.

-Time Skip a few days-

It has been three days since we arrived in Volterra. And me and everyone from my coven have been accepted in the castle by everyone and they loved our powers. Aaron, Demetri, Felix, Jake, and Paul have teamed up to prank a lot of people and we just had to get revenge.

So it was me, Caius, Aro, Marcus, Alec, Jane, Alexandria, Jordan, Luna and Ginny all doing our pranks to get back at the boys and Riley was our lookout and soon she zoomed in and said everyone to hurry out because they were coming. And we all zoomed to the throne room. Not even 30 minutes later we heard a loud scream so us being us acted like the victims and look innocent. All of a sudden we heard stomping feet heading to the throne room.

"Nova!!!!!" I heard and looked to Caius with a scared expression and he looked at me with the same expression. Aro calmly looked to us and told us to get rid of the expressions and we did. Soon the doors to the throne room opened and in came Aaron with a anger expression and his hair dyed to the color green. Everyone was trying hard not to laugh.

"What did you do!?!?!" He seethed and demanded. "I have no idea what your talking about brother." I said. "Maybe it was Felix or Demetri or Jake or Paul." I suggested and He looked up and had a angered face. "Demetri. Felix. Jake. Paul. Where ever you are I'm coming after you. Because we made a promise to never prank each other." He soon ran out and went to look for the 'tratiors.'  We all looked to one another and laughed quietly. 

Caius soon whispered in my ear and asked. "Do you want to go to our room and relax?" I nodded and we zoomed out and went to our room. We got to our room and I jumped on the bed and asked. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He looked to me. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asked. "How about Jumanji; The Next Level?" I asked and he nodded. 

Soon we were an 40 minutes in when we heard a knock on the door. I paused the movie and Caius got up to look at who was at the door. It was Alec. "Master, Caius. Mistriss, Nova. Aro has asked me to get you guys and tell you that everyone is in the throne room." I got up and asked. "Why? Did he tell you why?" He shook his head. "No, he didn't." Alec answered.

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