Chapter 14: What You Believe

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He knows it hasn't been that long since he left, but it's still refreshing to be back home. That's got to say something about the hospitality of humanity if what was only a few months felt more like a year around them.

No matter how many times he sees it, he'll never get tired of the sight of the tallest trees in the forest that hold on their immense branches the wooden buildings that make their homes, shops, taverns and inns, and Llwell's personal favorite, the bathhouse. He may not be versed in magic like his guardian is, but he doesn't need to be to know that the heat the enchanted leaves gives to the water is the most relaxing sensation he's ever felt.

He and Dumaine followed Ysve and Thylle to the base of the tree, where they were greeted by two elven scouts before Thylle left to take Gwynnestri to a nearby field that magical creatures seem to gravitate to for reasons still rather unknown.

Spiraling up from the base of the tree is a massive staircase that leads all the way to the top row of branches and the buildings atop them. The lowest level of the tree holds the homes, the middle is the shops, and the top is where the guardians reside.

Dumaine walks behind the elven twins with Etho still in his arms as he looks around with something akin to astonishment, but his focus returns to the moment once Ysve knocks on the door of one of the guardian dwellings.

Llwell fidgets anxiously while they wait, but he turns around and walks over to Dumaine and Etho. Looking at the boy, he sighs before meeting the mage's eyes.

"How is he?" the elf asks.

Dumaine shrugs. "It's hard to tell. He's stopped moving around, but I don't know if that's good or bad."

"I guess we'll find out once Ildilyntra takes a look at him," Llwell says, then immediately turns his attention to the door as it creaks open and they all see an older looking elven woman with long silver hair and heterochromia eyes of green and brown. Her dark skin is slightly wrinkled around her face, but it in no way distracts from her beauty.

Ysve strides into the dwelling, brushing past the elder woman with her arms crossed. "Hey Ildi. Brought back Sir Pigeoncock and his new pet, Royal Rimjob. I told ya he'd be back, yeah? Shoulda put money on it. Wasted," she huffs as she starts rummaging through some boxes.

Ildilyntra returns her attention to the men standing outside and she smiles once she sees Llwell. "Sarthali dirash, Llwellyn," she says and pulls him into a gentle hug that he accepts, returning the welcoming embrace.

"Danir vaalyn, Guardian," he says as they both lean back.

The elder cups his face in her hands with her warm smile still beaming, when she glances behind him at Dumaine and her expression shifts to uncertainty as she meets Llwell's eyes again. "Fenlan darith fael kevaas, hulyn telvan dor malaveer?" her eyes dodge between him at the mage holding Etho.

Llwell holds up his hand and slowly nods. "Farenlis deirnal. Sur anlos haron T'Sian."

The guardian arches a brow and slightly grins. "'Farenlis'? Dor vastan sur... katar?"

Llwell's face warms up and he quickly looks away. "No!" he drops his elven dialect as he covers his face with his hands and lets out a low groan. Ildilyntra laughs and pats him on the shoulder before stepping aside and motioning them both in, but as Dumaine passes through the door, she narrows her eyes at him.

The mage clears his throat and leans closer to Llwell. "What were you two saying?" he whispers.

"Nothing!" Llwell states a little too quickly.

Ildilyntra closes the door behind them and faces the men with her arms crossed behind her back, but her eyes stay narrowed on Dumaine. "Gaan derilyth faldor damasan, T'Sian?" she asks in an accusatory tone.

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