Chapter 21: Stronger Than Fear

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"All arms to the gates!"

The Restoration soldiers don't hesitate to follow Paladin Sillavanna's command. Llwell runs beside her through Ayiolas with Rosanhi, Etho and Dumaine following close behind and the soldiers gathering at their sides rushing ahead of them to stand ready at the gates of the settlement.

They make it in time before the dragon reaches them, but it opens its maw and releases a gout of fire towards one of the guard towers posted along the wall, catching flames to the wooden roof.

Llwell hurries up the ladder to stand atop the battlements, feeling his hand pulsing and burning with sheer power as the massive beast draws closer.

From the ground, Etho turns towards the onlookers in the streets who watch in horror of the approaching monstrosity. "It's not safe here! You need to get out of Ayiolas before the dark can take you!" he exclaims.

Sillavanna sighs and also turns to the refugees. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but the shade is right! We need to evacuate Ayiolas!" she orders.

"We need a plan, Silla," Rosanhi states while staring at the sky. "There's no way an entire settlement can outrun that thing."

Dumaine nods and crosses his arms. "She's right. Running would essentially be nothing more than delaying the inevitable," he looks up at Llwell on the wall. "Any ideas, oh mighty Hollow?"

Llwell almost doesn't hear him amidst the storm whirring around in his head as he stares at the creature, almost as if he's pulled into a trance. It may not look the same, but he can feel deep in his soul that that thing was the demon they fought in Clalleovion. What remains of Lord Artegal Laserian.

So entranced, that it takes him a moment to realize how close it has gotten. As it angles its wing towards the wall, Llwell manages to snap out of it in time to turn to the soldiers posted atop the ramparts beside him and shout, "Get away from the wall!" before he leaps to the ground.

Dumaine steadies him as he lands and everyone backs away, the mage staying in front to slam the base of his staff on the snow-covered ground and a glowing purple bubble forms around the group just as the dragon smashes through the wall.

Debris of stone bounce off the protective barrier, but Dumaine grunts and brings his hand to his head as if he had taken a physical hit from the impact.

The dragon passes over their heads and flies towards the keep at the back of the settlement before circling back and releasing another breath of fire at the group, but again the bubble repels the attack and leaves Dumaine gritting his teeth with his eyes shut tight.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold this! If anyone has a plan, just know that this is a safe space to speak your mind! Preferably before we all get roasted alive! Anyone!?" he shouts against his headache.

Rosanhi's brows furrow in concern as she turns towards Sillavanna. "Commander? What do we do?"

The paladin stares at the dragon, watching it circle the town and occasionally loose a ray of fire over the houses, setting them aflame. Citizens begin to panic, running and screaming and clinging to each other in terror.

"We can't run with that beast chasing us, but fighting it is out of the question," she states and looks to Dumaine. "Is this Tessiavar's response to the rumors?"

The mage scoffs and looks to her with a glare. "Last I checked, I've yet to see many Tessians pulling dragons out of their arses! I'll be sure to ask my father if this is hereditary the next time we have a nice family dinner party!"

Sillavanna growls. "Spare us the sarcasm, mage!"

Etho looks to the dragon as well. "It isn't real. Shades reach out to climb inside the bodies of the dead. Vanity thinks itself above mortals, so it looked higher, heralding power for its own pride. Possessing the body of the ancient beast..." he shudders.

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