Chapter 8: Bound By Spirit

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Unfortunately, Llwell realizes he never got his bow back from Aeliphor. But he'd been using that same bow since he was fourteen and he knew he needed to get a new one sooner or later, and it seems that now is finally the time. Same with his armor.

Lucky for him, the blacksmith was willing to accommodate free of charge. Somewhat brash fellow, but he actually gave an elf the time of day so he's already far friendlier than most people in Ayiolas. In fact, he had already been working on some elven designs since learning that the Hollow is an elf.

"World's ending. Don't matter to me if his ears are pointy so long as he stops the ground from shitting demons from the ass-cracks of the Reach," the man had said when Llwell questioned his generosity.

Good enough a reason as any.

He was outfitted with a new set of leather armor that leaves him with great flexibility to move around, which is especially nice with his new bow. It's a bit heavier than his last one, but despite his slim elven form, he's not flimsy. He always enjoys shocking people with how strong he really is.

After getting his new armor and bow, he made sure to stock up supplies for the road ahead and pack them into Gwynnestri's saddlebags. Just the usual stuff. Food, water, remedy potions, a map, and a few other things that should help them get just through The Living Forest and they can restock in Clalleovion on the other side.

Once he's gotten himself all set, he returns to the keep. It still takes him some time to find his way around on his own, as he's usually accompanied by Rosanhi. But he was raised to navigate a magical forest, the keep is kind of like that. Just with stone walls, no trees, and what feels like about a thousand different hallways that all look the same.

So it's a miracle when he finds Dumaine in Enchanter Lixiss' study with Etho and the elven arcanist. The boy is sitting in a corner surrounded by old tomes, and he's holding a book in his hands. It's not open, he's just staring intently at the cover and spine as if it's the most fascinating thing he's ever seen.

Dumaine is standing by a table with his arms crossed, facing Enchanter Lixiss who's sitting in a chair diagonally from the mage.

"I already told you, Enchanter, I don't know anything about spirit binding. If I did, I would probably be a deranged magister galivanting through Tessiavar tethering shades to my soul to teach me how to cook the perfect roast rack lamb with garlic and herb crust from Atedin's finest gourmet kitchens," Dumaine huffs exasperatedly.

Lixiss sighs and nods her head once. "Forgive me for making the assumption, my lord. I just did not know who else to ask. I merely wish to caution you that it may be... unwise to bring the boy with you on your journey," she politely bows her head to the mage.

"You could have just said that. Now all I can think about is gourmet garlic crust," Dumaine grumbles.

"Is there a problem?" Llwell asks as he enters the room and stands beside Dumaine.

The mage shrugs and glances at him. "Only the fact that we overlooked a rather important detail when deciding to bring Etho with us to The Living Forest," he says.

"He is a shade," Lixiss lifts her head to look at the other elf. "The magic of the forest would detect the darkness in him just as it would any other shade or horror and he wouldn't be able to pass through."

In the corner, Etho slightly shifts and lowers the book in his hands, but he stays silent.

Dumaine leans on his hip and shakes his head. "And since I'm Tessian, the Enchanter was under the assumption that meant I knew all the forbidden practices of spirit binding. But I never got the chance to learn as I was always far too busy teaching myself things that wouldn't get me arrested in three quarters of Drallilas. Plus, spirit binding is far too messy. Bloodstains are impossible to wash out of silk charmeuse," he balks.

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