C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - N I N E

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This author decided to be evil. Enjoy. All will be explained in due time.


May 9th, 1945

Tom couldn't see straight. His heart was beating rapidly; the blood rushing through his veins the only thing he could hear. All around him were cheering voices, but he was deaf to them. How could this be? He remembered clearly that Harry was right beside him the day before, smiling, laughing---

Where was he? Where IS he? He had to be somewhere! Tom had to find him---

"Tom, let's go to the common room," Abraxas murmured, his eyes glassy and his lips turned down at the corners. The war was finally over, but it came at a cost none of the Slytherin Court expected or wanted. "Why don't you put the newspaper down---"

Tom ignored Abraxas and abruptly stood up, the Daily Prophet crinkling in his tight grasp. The Slytherin Court was quick to follow him out of the Great Hall and to the common room, Tom's brisk pace forcing them to jog to keep up with him. The Court was grieving in their own way, but seeing Tom unravel from his seams as the seconds ticked by scared them, and his signature tranquilizer wasn't around to stitch him back together.

The door to the common room wasn't even closed by the time Tom's magic started lashing out, his instability acting as a catalyst of destruction: candles flickered, furniture was ripped apart, the wooden floors were scraped and scratched. By then, the Slytherins that had already been in the common room evacuated to their dorms, leaving the inner circle with Tom and the wrecked area around them.

The inner circle looked to Abraxas for guidance, but Abraxas was just as lost as they were on how to stop Tom from destroying the common room further. It was Orion, the braver one of the inner circle, that decided to approach Tom.

"Tom, please---"

Tom turned sharply toward Orion, a crazed glint in his eye and an angry flush on his cheeks. Tom was in front of Orion within the blink of an eye, Orion's collar in his fist as he violently shook the Black Heir.

"I have half a mind to murder you right now and send your blasted remains straight to your father to give him back the grief he gave me!" Tom bellowed, his voice steady at the first half of the sentence before breaking uncontrollably. Just as fear settled into Orion, his adrenaline spiking, Tom's grip on his collar grew weak and tears started to flow from the eyes that Harry once claimed to be the exact color of mahogany. His raging anger had simmered.

"Get out," Tom said weakly, dropping his hand from Orion's shirt. When the inner circle stayed frozen in their places, Tom sent them all a glare. "Get. Out."

Hesitantly, all the members of the inner circle started trickling over to their dorm rooms, trying not to aggravate Tom more, but worried of leaving his side.

Even after all of the inner circle had left, Tom stood still in the middle of the common room. He didn't move for hours, the ticking of the grandfather clock in the common room the only sound inside it.

Tom learned a few things that day: how to cry, how to grieve, and how to give love to someone that wasn't around to receive it.


The Daily Prophet
May 9th, 1945

The war is finally over for us! Grindlewald has been defeated yesterday by Albus Dumbledore, the new Headmaster of Hogwarts starting on this miraculous day! We have won against the Dark Lord Grindlewald! After all that was lost, all the lives dedicated to stopping the vicious Dark Lord, we stand victorious, and we honor the lives lost, we honor the Dark Lord's defeator, and we honor the live of Harrison Peverell, who was a part of a family Gindlewald obsessed over.

The details are not clear, but Dumbledore reported to have seen Harrison Peverell portkeyed to Grindlewald's location, the letter in his hand most likely being the object enchanted to be a portkey. After a review of Dumbledore's memory of the event on May 8th, an investigation has immediately taken place, and thankfully, the letter in Peverell's hand was recovered and examined. In its examination, magical residue that matched the magical signature of Arcturus Black, the current head of the Black family, was found, resulting in the Lord's arrest for helping Grindlewald murder the Heir of the Peverell family. Black's trial will be held on May 11th to determine if he is innocent or guilty in participating in Grindlewald's malicious, murderous plans.

Dumbledore felt guilty for not being able to save the Peverell Heir, saying, "Harrison was being held at wand-point by Gindlewald the entire time he was there. There was no way I could try to disarm Grindlewald---or try anything else, really---without Grindlewald reacting too with the killing curse. I truly, truly am disappointed that a promising youth like Harrison Peverell got his life cut short for no reason than a man's obsession."

I asked him: "Do you know why Grindlewald was so obsessed with Heir Peverell?"

He replied solemnly, "He believed that the Deathly Hallows existed. He ranted about extracting their location from the young Peverell, but we all know that the Deathly Hallows do not exist. They are simply a story, and Grindlewald was truly delusional to believe in it."

To honor the life that was cut short, the ministry has allowed for the Peverell coat of arms to be embedded above all the entrances of the major ministry departments: the DMLE, the Department of Mysteries, etc.

To honor Albus Dumbledore, Dumbledore was awarded the position of Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and former Headmaster Dippet resigned his position to him.

Cheers, people of England! Things are finally looking up!

-Rolanda Skeeter

(Turn to page 5 to learn more about Harrison Peverell.)

(Turn to page 7 to learn more about Albus Dumbledore.)

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