C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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September 2nd, 1944

Harry stood still, his gem-like eyes staring unseeingly out of a tall, arching Hogwarts window. His body was cold and stiff from the drafts of air that had been flowing through the empty, dark halls, slightly humid from the thunder storm occurring outside of the castle. He had a sense of déjà vu, hearing the thunder of every lightning strike while knowing it was close to midnight.

Harry did not flinch at the sound of Death's dry, slightly eerie voice, his face set in a constant state of neutrality.


Harry didn't respond.

"Are you angry with me?"

Harry exhaled sharply through his nose, finally acknowledging Death's presence. "What's the point of having two immortal companions if I'm always alone in times like this?"

"Well, I'd like to think that I'm standing beside you now."

Harry gave Death a deadpan look, not amused in the slightest. "You gave me Raven as a familiar, but he's never around me. The longest I've been with him is a month out of the year I got him. And ever since I came to Hogwarts, you've been avoiding visiting me. I only saw you once on my birthday! I know that you don't want me to be reliant on you, but how can I not when you became one of the two most important people of my life?!"

Harry's eyes glistened with tears and his cheeks turned red in frustration. Death let out a rattling sigh, brushing a finger along Harry's cheekbone. He always needed to remind himself that his Master was still a child, no matter how mature he seemed, one that viewed him as a parent-figure of sorts.

"I didn't think that my absence would cause you such heartache," Death murmured softly, annoyed with himself. "I'm sorry, Master. I'll try to visit you more often."

Harry bit his lip. "And of Raven?"

Death's fingers clicked along the handle of his scythe, the one he always had in one hand or the other. "Raven is a familiar made for me--Death. He cannot physically exist in the living realm for very long. I promise that, in death, you will never be alone, but life is a domain I have no control over. I am simply a ferry man, a diety made for transporting souls. Life is born from my opposite, and longevity is determined by Fate. I would recommend to purchase an earthly familiar, Master, if you desire a familiar to live with."

Harry nodded and turned back to looking out of the window he was standing in front of, his breath fogging the glass.

"I think you'll find, Master, that even in life, you are never truly alone. Perhaps a shift of perspective will help you realize this."

When Harry glanced behind him, Death was already gone.

A shift of perspective, hm?

Harry felt severely annoyed that Tom had lost faith in him, actually believing that Harry would snuggle up to Charlus, his cousin, for some love and smooches and smooches and love. It was ridiculous! And it hurt! After all the time and effort spent building a friendship (that turned into something more, mind you), Tom thought Harry would leave him? Stray from his side??

At these thoughts, Harry's annoyance grew, but that was not want he wanted to focus on right now.

What did Tom think? What did Tom feel?

While Harry could probably infer as such, he wanted Tom to say it to his face, to make himself vulnerable and open to him. Harry needed to know that he still had Tom's complete trust.

So Harry walked away from the window and travelled down various corridors, coming to a stop in front of a portrait with a King Cobra snake.

"Please tell Tom that I'm done waiting for him to come to me. So, I'm here, in front of his dorm."

"As you wish."


Character Guide:

First Years:
Eileen Prince
Lyle Lupin
Ester Lovegood

Second Years:
Harrison Peverell
Druella Rosier
Myrtle Warren

Third Years:
Dorea Black
Tom Riddle
Thaddeus Nott
Aurleus Avery

Fourth Years:
Charlus Potter
Orion Black
Corvus Lestrange

Fifth Years:
Abraxas Malfoy
Lucritia Black

Sixth Years:
Septimus Weasley
Fleamont Potter

Seventh Years:
Walburga Black
Eliza Prewitt


Harry really be a boy boss 💅😌

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