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December 24th, 1943

Harry looked up from the book he was reading, not at all intimidated by the irritated scowl Tom sported on his lips.

"Is everything alright, Tom?" Harry asked, blinking innocently up at Tom, batting his eyelashes slightly.

Tom gave Harry a blank stare, the kind that expressed his exasperation but failed to convey any anger- not that Tom actually had any. "Did you have to send a howler? You know I don't like waking up before six-thirty."

"Its Christmas," Harry replied, shrugging and placing his book in his book back.

"Yeah, the day to sleep in," Tom drawled, rolling his eyes and turning to walk out of the common room.

"Oh, cheer up, Tom! You'll love the gift that I got you this year," Harry chirped, giving his signature cheeky smile. Tom narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything else as they walked to the great hall for breakfast.

When Tom and Harry got to the great hall, they suddenly found themselves unable to walk past the doorway. Harry frowned at his feet, which seemed to be glued to the floor, and struggled to keep his balance.

Glancing up, both boys saw the mistletoe above them and winced. They knew about how people got stuck under the mistletoe and couldn't move until they kissed, but they hadn't thought that mistletoe would be at the entrance to the great hall.

"Ooo, hehehe! Peevesies got thee! Peevesies got thee!" The annoying poltergeist hollered, floating down from the ceiling and cackling.

Both boys scowled up at Peeves and looked around the great hall.

"Huh, I wonder why no one's here," Tom said sarcastically, giving Harry a pointed look.

"I know, right?" Harry said, not reacting to Tom's sarcasm.

Tom sighed, his face seeming to age several years. "You're a brat."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Stop being such a drama queen! Besides, is that any way you're supposed to treat someone you have to kiss to actually be able to walk?"

Tom snorted against his will, drawing Harry closer to him. "You're still a brat," he mumbled, craning his neck down to give Harry a kiss.

To Harry's surprise, Tom didn't actually kiss him, he just bumped their noses a bit and retreated, walking to the Slytherin table. Confused, Harry trailed after him, glancing back too see the red mistletoe being relocated by a pouting Peeves.

"What was that?" Harry asked, plopping down in his seat.

Tom raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you disappointed that you didn't get the kiss you expected?"

All he got in return was a flat stare.

Tom rolled his eyes a bit. "You have no sense of humor-"

"No, your sense of humor just isn't funny."

"-and what I gave you was called an Eskimo kiss," Tom continued, scowling at Harry slightly. "My sense of humor isn't bad, you just don't appreciate it when it's used against you."

Harry raised an eyebrow,  mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Oh? You mean like how you don't like it when I get sarcastic on you?"


Harry shrugged. "We all have our flaws."

Tom barked out a laugh. "Getting cocky, now are we?"

Harry gave Tom a small smile. "My sense of humor isn't bad, you just don't appreciate it when it's used against you."

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