Thumb War 👍🏻

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Ariannas POV

It was a week since Jasper and I broke up. I was staying at Charlottes house so I could recover. Jasper said we could still be friends but it made me feel friend zoned.  Henry even told me Jasper was feeling guilty but wouldn't get back together with me.

I did still look at him but I couldn't think of going back home because I'd just start crying. I couldn't handle my heart breaking again. I felt like it was all my fault for not telling him about Landon texting me. But I was really just scared Jasper would say something to him and something would happen to me or even the both of us.

I walked into the Man Cave with Charlotte, and saw Jasper in a blue thumb buddies shirt. I remembered Ray and Henry mentioning they stopped Stainless Steve but these Thumb Buddies captured him.

I didn't say anything about his shirt cause I didn't want him being upset. 

"Hey Jasper." I greeted, pushing a strand of my long hair behind my ear.

"Hey Ari." Jasper greeted and I smiled awkwardly while Charlotte was looking for this video of Big Time Rush sounding like chimpmunks.

"Uhh what are you wearing?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh, this is my thumb buddies shirt." Jasper smiled.

"Yeah, well you better take that off." I advised.


I sighed as Charlotte and I put down our bags.

"Cause, last week Ray and Henry caught that criminal Stainless Steve and those thumb buddy guys took credit for the capture." Charlotte explained.

Jasper took a long sip of his blue dog soda. 


I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, Ray and Henry were pretty mad about it and if I were you I'd take-" I paused when the tube alarm went off, causing Henry and Ray to appear.

"Hey! How did it go at the baseball game?" Charlotte asked with a smile.

"Oh I don't know but I'd say pretty well." Ray smiled.

"Uh yeah man we didn't really do that much." Henry remarked, "Other than uhh..."

"We fought a bear!" Ray declared.

"We fought a bear!" Henry repeated.

Charlotte, Jasper, and I all shared a look with each other.

The boys started making growling noises and throwing fake punches/kick.

"Hey hey hey!" Jasper yelled, "What bear?"

I smiled slightly at Henry.

"Can I Tell then the story." Henry asked Ray, starting to laugh.

Ray nodded and Henry started to smile bigger.

"So these college kids brought a real life bear to the baseball game." Henry began.

"Yeah, y'know, just to be funny." Ray told.

"Which it was!"

"Yeah it was! Hilarious!"

"Anyway. Until the hot dog guy came out.." Henry continued.

"Yeah. Y'know, weiners?" Ray asked us, and I nodded.

"Love 'em!" Jasper beamed.

"So, bear gets a whiff of the weiners, right?" Ray explained, "and he just loses his mind. Just chases the poor weiner guy onto the field." 

Completed ✅ Two best friends who fell in love (Jasper Dunlop  x OC)Where stories live. Discover now