Ariannas unknown brother

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Ariannas POV

I was at Mary's house, cleaning out her closet before we have to sell the house. Jasper, Henry, and Charlotte were with me, helping out with the cleaning and grabbing anything we wanted to  keep.

I saw a box on the top shelf of the closet saying ARIANNAS MOTHERS STUFF (FOR ARIANNA WHEN  SHES 16)

I carefully climbed onto the step ladder and grabbed it. I coughed as dust spilled  all over me. I get down carefully and sit on Mary's old bed.

"Guys?" I called out, "you might want to see this."

Jasper entered with a full garbage bag, Charlotte came in with some clothes that said my moms name, and Henry came with the box of stuff that we're gonna keep.

"What is it babe?" Jasper asked, kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around me.

"It's a box and my mothers stuff." I explained and opened the box.

There were some pictures of a dark haired boy with my mom pregnant with who I assume was my dad. There were some pics of him playing football and winning at a game.

"Who's this?" Henry wondered, pointing at a picture.

"It says Ryder Sanders." Charlotte informed, pointing at a label.

"Ryder Sanders? Who's that? Jasp, do you know who since your mom and my mom were best friends?" I asked my boyfriend.

"I don't even know Ari, and your family has been a second family so I'm basically apart of it." He told me.

"Wait, there's a note." Charlotte said, grabbing a note.

"What's it say?" I asked, moving close to her.

"When Arianna turns 16, give her this box and tell her the story of Ryder. If Aunt Mary is decreased, ask her father, who may have left us but he lives in the smaller areas of Swellview." Charlotte read and shared a look with me.

"M-my father? But he left me and my mom though." I said, "he probably doesn't even remember me or probably doesn't even love me." I panicked and started pacing.

"Wait, Ari, here's the address." Henry said.

"C-Can you guys come?" I asked, "I really wish my mom was still alive along with Aunt Mary."

"Of course baby." Jasper smiled, kissing me from behind.

Charlotte and Henry just smiled at me. We gathered up the things we wanted to keep and donate in Mary's old bedroom.

We walked towards my fathers house using my phones GPS.

At Ariannas Fathers house

"This is it." I sighed, "Jasp?"

Jasper smiled and walked up with me.

I was about to ring the doorbell when my heart raced. I was sweating and my breathing became rapid. My chest felt tight and i was shaking.

"I can't..." I said and ran off.

"Ari!" Jasper called but I ran into a small shed. It had a bunch of drawings and posters. My dad was an artist? 

I tucked my knees to my chest and hid my head in it. I started crying really hard. I got flashbacks of my father abusing my mother when I was 7 years old and me not knowing what was happening. He did bruise me when I was 9 years old and he said words that made me feel bad about myself and less confident. But when I started getting closer with Jasper, Charlotte, and Henry  in middle school, I felt more confident.

"Ari? You okay?" I heard a voice.

"Go away Jasper." I cried, "My father probably doesn't love me nor remember both of us and it's useless asking him."

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