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Several Months Later

The world moved on slowly. Tonight they were celebrating the life of Marisol Martinez, who recently passed. Ruby and Jamal were in charge of everything. The party was in full swing. That was what she wanted. She wanted a celebration of life, not people mourning her loss.

It had been a challenging year for Ruby. He lost his sister. His best friend. 

The only person who understood was Cesar, who had lost his brother. They mourned the loss together. It was hard for months. Ruby thought about her every day and struggled to process the loss. One day she was there, and the next, she was gone. Leaving behind one thing, Ella. Geny poured her heart and soul into raising Ella. The young girl didn't understand that both her parents weren't coming back. One day, she would, but her memories of them would be gone.

But Ruby had done a lot of reflecting recently. He missed Sofia, and he knew he would carry that loss forever, but he wanted to move forward. That was what she would have wanted him to do.

He scanned the party, watching everyone as they gathered to celebrate the life of his Abuelita. Sofia had passed a long time ago, but Ruby wanted to take tonight and celebrate her life as well. He pinned her picture on one of the signs, a smile on his face. "She was very beautiful," Jamal commented. "Way out of my league."

Ruby glared at him. "Did you really have to say that?" Jamal shrugged, drinking from his juice box. "She never would have gone for you anyway."

He gasped, placing a hand on his heart. "Yeah, I know." Sofia had always been in love with Oscar. "I miss her."

"Yeah," Ruby sighed. "Me too." Nobody missed Sofia as much as he did. Mario was a close second. When he learned that his twin sister had passed, he was an emotional wreck. He still hadn't recovered. Ruby didn't think he ever would.

A few feet away, outside on the patio, stood Cesar and Jasmine. Cesar held Ella, who had bonded with him in a way nobody expected. "Look at you," Jasmine tapped his shoulder. "Proving to be the uncle of the year. I think she likes you more than she likes Ruby."

Cesar beamed. "I know." After losing Oscar, he wanted to become more involved in Ella's life. He became the overbearing uncle, doing all of the hard jobs, like changing diapers. Taking care of the girl was everything he needed. It helped him heal. The Martinez family was allowing Cesar to stay with them as long as he attended community college in the fall. That was a deal he happily took. "She looks just like Sofia."

Jasmine stared at the young girl. "But she has Oscar's curly hair."

"Yeah." Monse and Ruby appeared beside them, watching as Cesar held the child fondly. Recently, he was hardly seen without her. He took his new role as uncle very seriously.

"Okay, give her to me." Ruby took Ella from his arms. "Whose your favorite uncle, huh? Who is it?"

Ella giggled, "Cesar."

Monse snorted but quickly covered it with a cough. Ruby's shoulders dropped. "No, Ruby."

"Cesar, Cesar, Cesar," Ella cheered.

Cesar smirked, puffing out his chest. "Don't get cocky. She's just excited because you're new."

"Ruby," Geny said. "Do you want to-" she nodded towards the stage.

"Right." Ruby handed Ella to his mother before jumping onto the small stage they set up. "Could I have everyone's attention?" Everyone turned to look at him. Jamal walked around with shot glasses, which everyone took. "On behalf of my family, I want to thank the Orozco family for hosting." Ruby held a shot glass in his hand tightly. "And everyone who came out to honor my Abuelita tonight. I'm going to keep this short and sweet because that's what she called me." Everyone laughed at his words. Ruby raised his glass. "To an old broad. Who was never really old. Who wanted to be celebrated and not mourned." Jamal nodded in agreement. "Who showed us all how to live. To Marisol."

"To Marisol." Everyone took a sip of their drink.

"You will be missed." Ruby hopped off the stage, feeling good about his speech.

"That was a great speech Ruby," Monse complimented him.

"Yeah," he agreed. "I was going to mention Sofia, but she would have hated taking the attention off Abuelita." The mention of her causes the others to frown. They know how much Ruby missed his sister. He had been doing good recently, but tonight brought back old memories.

"She should be here," Jasmine whispers.

Ruby nods. "It kind of feels like she still is." The group embraced him, holding him tightly. For a moment, the world around them fades. They're just five kids, bonded by friendship and not loss. Ruby knows that things will never be the same again, and for the first time, he's fine with that.

Because he knows that everything is going to be okay.

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