Chapter 6

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Summer was here, and Ruby was out of school. Along with twins who seemed to spend every waking moment terrorizing Geny. Sofia hadn't told Oscar about the Peters granting her the money, and it was starting to eat away at her. She was stressed beyond belief and hadn't been feeling her best. Ruby continued to push her into telling him, but she never could. How could she? He would make her leave, and Sofia loved him. She didn't want to be away from him.

Ruby and Jamal had gone to the pool to sell Dwayne's BBQ sandwiches, but they refused to tell Sofia why. The girl was positive Jamal had been fired but refused to ask any questions. She didn't get paid enough to ask questions, and they wouldn't have given her any. After taking a stack of food, they ran out the door. That wasn't the only thing they were hiding. Since Ruby and Sofia spoke that night in the kitchen he became protective. More protective than he had ever been. He refused to involve her in their search for Lil' Ricky. No matter how hard she tried, he always kept her at a distance.

"Those two," Ray spoke as he wiped down a counter. "They're weird."

"Unfortunately, the short one is my brother," Sofia grabbed a bin to help him.

Ray turned to her, a brief look of panic on his face. "I didn't mean it like that."

"No, no," Sofia laughed as she joined his side. She set the bin down and began to stack it full of plates. "He is a little different, always has been. My friends say it runs in the family."

"Being different is a good thing," Ray smiled at her. He grabbed a stack of cups and gently set them inside the container. "It makes you unique."

"Everyone is unique in their own way," Sofia countered. She did believe that everyone was different. Even regular boring people had their quirks. "Ruby's vocal, a little dramatic, but kind-hearted and funny. Cesar is very smart. He's better at math than me, and he's secretly good at science. But he lies so Monse will help him." Ray watched her closely, enjoying learning about his own kid. "He's independent, like Oscar. Cesar's a little more optimistic. Oscar's more pessimistic."

"I can see that," Ray agreed with her. "I think it's the way he was raised."

"Well, Oscar kind of took on the big brother role," Sofia purposely didn't use the word father. But that's what Oscar did. He was a father to Cesar. "But he's still just as kind and funny." Sofia glanced at Ray. "And a good cook. I think he gets that from you."

"I think you're the only person who sees that side of him," Ray began. "But it's nice to know he still has it." Sofia smiled at him, "when he was little that red Impala used to be mine. He liked it so much. He used to sit on my lap and I let him think he was driving." She enjoyed the story, never having heard it before. "Sorry, he doesn't like when I talk about those things."

"No, don't be sorry." Sofia wanted to hear more of those kinds of stories. She loved listening to things about Oscar. "I like hearing those stories."

"I'm glad someone does," Ray smiled sadly. "He's so grown up now. Nothing like how he was when I left."

"He's a good person," Sofia assured him. "Had some trouble, but he's got a good heart."

"And he treats you right," Ray asked.

Sofia laughed, picking up the bin. "Nobody could treat me better."

"That's good to hear." Ray didn't know much about Sofia, but from how Cesar talked about her, she seemed perfect. "I'm glad he has you. I'm glad they both do. They need someone like you in their life. Someone good."

Sofia stared at Ray, a smile growing on her face. "Thank you."

As Sofia walked back into the kitchen, Tammy walked out with a plate full of food. Sofia stepped back, allowing her to pass when she got a whiff of the cheese fries. The strong sent caused a wave of nausea to pass through her. Quickly, she turned her head, hating how queasy she suddenly became. "Sofia," Ray put a hand on her back. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taking a deep breath, she pushed the urge to vomit away. Not wanting to make a scene at the restaurant. "Sorry, just got a little light-headed there."

"Do you need to sit down," he asked, voice full of concern.

Sofia waved her hand, "no, no. Thanks, Ray. I'm okay." But she was anything but fine. The stress was starting to eat her alive.

"Are you sure?"

The smell faded from Sofia's mind, and the urge slowly went away. "I think I'm okay."

Ray wasn't convinced, "why don't you head home for the day. I can manage everything. Dwayne should be back soon."

"No," Sofia didn't want to leave Ray alone. "I can stay. This job isn't easy."

"Yeah, because we are so busy," he gestured to the area around them. Sofia looked around, noticing the entire building was empty. They didn't have a single customer. "Go home, Sofia. You look a little pale."

Sofia felt her face for a fever, but she didn't feel warm. "Are you sure?"

"Go," Ray pointed at the door.

"Thank you." Sofia slipped off her apron. "I owe you."

"Don't worry about it." She nodded at him. She walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Using the backdoor, she stepped outside when suddenly the urge to vomit came back. Rushing to the side of the building, Sofia vomited up her morning breakfast.

After a moment, she stood up, wiping her mouth with her arm. Luckily there was nobody around to see her. The queasiness came back, and Sofia felt too sick to walk. Gripping the building, she tried to push away the lightheadedness. All she wanted now was to go home. Pulling out her phone, she called Oscar. The phone rang four times before going straight to voicemail. Sofia began to call both her parents, but neither responded.

"Damn," Sofia stared at the screen. On a whim, she called Ruby, knowing he wasn't home. But there was a chance he knew where their parents were.

"Hello," Ruby answered the phone.

"Ruby," Sofia stood up. "Thank god. Are you still at the pool?"

"Yeah," there was rustling on the other end. "Why? No, that's five dollars, and we don't have any change."

"Who are you talking to?"

Ruby sighed, "no one. Why are you calling me?"

Sofia felt another wave of nausea and leaned over the side of the building. "Where are our parents?"

"No idea," he responded. "You don't sound good. Are you okay? Should I get Spooky?"

That caused the feeling to go away entirely. "Get Spooky? Are you with him right now?"

"Yeah, he's in the pool."

Sofia was stunned. Oscar hated the pool. Why would he be there? "Oscar is at the pool?"

"Yes, are you losing your hearing?" There was more rustling. "Sofia, I have to go. Business is picking up. Do you need me to get Spooky?"

"No," Sofia didn't want to worry him. He had been stressed about his father and 19th Street. The new group that seemed to appear out of nowhere. They had been creating some issues, but Oscar had been handling it. "No. I'm fine."

"Okay," he seemed hesitant. "I'll see you at home."

"By Rubes," she hung up the phone. After taking a moment to figure out her next move, Sofia decided to call her Abuelita. If anyone was at home, it would be her.

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