Chapter 17

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Everything over the next four weeks in Sofia's life began to change. Oscar was making good on every promise he had ever made. They were leaving Freeridge for good today. Wherever they were going next was okay with her as long as they were together. When Oscar was jumped out of the gang and allowed to leave the hospital, they planned their escape from the town. 

Today marked 13 weeks into pregnancy. Although Sofia really didn't see much of a difference, everyone else did. Geny had taken nearly a million pictures of her, but her father was a little more cautious. He hated that Sofia was leaving town. He wanted her to stay, but he knew this was what she wanted.

"Wow," Ruby whispered from the doorway. "It looks so empty in here."

Sofia turned around and noticed him looking around. He seemed sad but did his best to hide it. "I know," mostly everything was gone. Or everything she needed. Most of her clothes were in a box, along with a few personal items.

"Mija," Geny called from the living room. "Oscar finished packing the car."

"Okay, Ma," Sofia called back. She noticed the way Ruby's shoulders tensed. "Hey," she moved closer. "Walk me out?"

"Yeah," he nodded eagerly.

Sofia smiled and grabbed her last bag. Stepping into the living room, she noticed her mother, Jasmine, and Abuelita standing there. The twins were at a friend's house. Sofia had already said goodbye to them. "Oh, honey," Geny was already crying.

"Ma." Geny threw herself into her arms. Sofia caught her, letting out an airy laugh. "It's going to be okay. I'll visit all the time."

"I know," Geny sniffled. "I'm so proud of you, Mija. So very proud."

"Thank you," she whispered. "Where's Papa?"

"Talking to Oscar," Jasmine pointed at the door. "One last attempt to convince him to stay."


The front door opened, and Ruben stepped inside. His hands were shoved into his pockets. "Yeah," he muttered. "Had to give it a try." As Geny let go, Ruben wrapped his arms around his daughter. "I love you."

"I love you too, Pa," Sofia hugged him back. "I'm not dying, guys. I'll be less than an hour away."

"Yeah, we know."

"But you are leaving," Geny argued with the older woman. "And you are pregnant."

"Well, I know that," Sofia tried to lighten the mood. "I'll be fine. I have Oscar." At the mention of her boyfriend, she smiled. "Who's waiting for me."

"Of course," Ruben let go.

It was her Abuelita's turn, and the two hugged. Sofia pulled away, and the older woman placed a hand on her cheek. "You deserve this," she whispered. "You have sacrificed so much for this family. For others. You get to be happy now. You get to put herself first." Sofia smiled at her, "promise me you will."

"I will." Sofia let go. She glanced at Jasmine, whose makeup was running down her face. "Want to walk me out with Ruby?"

"Please," she sobbed. Ruby rubbed his temple and headed for the front door. Sofia failed to notice that Ruby's hands were behind his back.

"Bye," Sofia took one last look at her family. They all murmured a goodbye, waving at her. She felt good with her goodbyes and forced open the door. Oscar pushed off his car at the sight of her. 

As she approached him, he reached for her bag. "You have way more things than me," Oscar chuckled. Sofia placed a hand on his chest and pushed onto her toes to kiss him. His hair was starting to grow out, and she enjoyed the look.

Behind them, Ruby cleared his throat. Sofia sighed and pulled away from them. "Well," she dropped her hands to her side. "I guess this is goodbye."

"We have something for you," Ruby rushed out. Oscar moved away to put her bag in the car.

"What is it," Sofia questioned curiously. Simultaneously, the two pulled out picture frames. She looked at Ruby's first. It was a yellow picture frame with an image of them. It was taken at her high school graduation. "Ruby." Taking the picture from him, she started to tear up.

"I just want to make sure you don't forget me," he whispered.

"Forget you," Sofia couldn't help but laugh. "Ruby, you're not just my brother. You're my best friend. I could never forget you." Ruby nodded, tears streaming down his face. Sofia gripped the picture frame tightly and then turned to look at Jasmine's gift. The gasp she let out was loud. Her picture frame was very different. There were cut-out faces of all her family members and herself. Jasmine couldn't forget herself. In the center was her first ultrasound picture. "Jasmine, this is-" Jasmine looked nervous. "Amazing. Thank you."

"Yeah, well," she was still crying. "Anything for you." Sofia took the frames and moved her arms out. The two hugged her, all three of them standing together. Oscar watched from a few feet away, a smile on his face.

"Hey," Sofia pulled away from them. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay," Ruby felt more relaxed now. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sofia kissed the top of his head. "Bye, guys."

"Bye." The two waved at them. With that, the two got in Oscar's car. Sofia closed the door behind her and smiled as Ruby and Jasmine held each other. As Oscar put the car in reverse, she sent them one last wave. They waved back, watching as the car drove down the street.

Sofia leaned back in her seat, taking a deep breath. Oscar glanced at her, grabbing her hand. She turned to him, a vibrant smile on her face. This was the beginning of their new life. The start of a new chapter. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she squeezed his hand. "I am so good." Oscar smiled and held her hand tightly as they drove out of Freeridge.

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