6. "You are special to me."

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Pov Y/N:

I tried to look at the person who hugged me when I realized that it was Laurent. I exploded in tears and hugged him directly.

"I am so sorry Y/N, if I didn't try to kiss you, you wouldn't.." he tried to say while starting to cry.

"Oh no please, don't cry Laurent, don't say that!" I said while crying even more.

He held me tighter.

"I promise that I'll let nobody touch you again, I swear if they even try, they're gonna pay."

I tought it was impossible to cry even more, but I did it.

"Thank you dolphin... thank you so much." I said, holding him tighter.

"Wait, he tried to kiss you?" said my brother next to us.

"Well, this is awkward." said Haydn.

"Kale, please, he didn't want to, he was drunk.." I answered.

"I hope you're telling the truth. Otherwise, where's Mia? Didn't you tell me that she would come with us tonight?" asked Kale.

"Yeah, that's true, where is she?" I answered.

At this moment, the little door on the side of the building oppened. For a second, we could hear the music louder than when it was closed. Two people, a girl and a boy, kissing each other were coming in our way. Laurent was still holding me; he didn't want to leave me. The three boys and me were looking at the couple, without talking. Haydn cleared his throat.

"Well, hello?" he said.

The two people stopped kissing and looked at us. Kale and me widened our eyes.

"MIA!?!" I litteraly screamed. "You came to the party without us!? And who's this guy you were kissing!?"

"Well... I arrived and you weren't here, so I decided to make new friends.." she giggles while looking at the guy and blushing.

"This is not 'a friend', it's limit a sexfriend! Do you even know what's his name? You look pretty drunk!" I answered.

"Yes, his name is William, my pretty William!" she said, smiling crazily.

"Well, my name's Jesperi, but-"

"We don't want to know, leave now." interrupted Kale.

"Okay, okay..."

=-He whispered in Mia's ar:

"I'll call you later princess."

Mia giggled.

"You're not gonna do anything!" I answered.

"Bye beautiful boy!" she smiled.

"MIA! Stop that!" I said, asking Kale for help.

My brother and Haydn took Mia in their arms and tried to walk to the cars with her. I was still in Laurent's arms, who remained silent all the way back home. Arrived, the driver, Haydn, talked first.

"We're here! Laurent, I'm driving you home too?" he asked.

"Wait, Laurent, you're leaving?" I said, almost asleep in his arms.

"Well... I think it's better for everyone, especially for you and Kale.." he said, shy.

"Nooo stayyy, pleaaase!" I said like a kid, closing my eyes.

Kale smiled at me softly, then looked at Laurent.

"You can stay, Laurent. I think Y/N needs someone to keep an eye on her. I wouldn't be able to, this night, I'll watch Mia." my brother said.

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