I turn my head towards Alfredo's direction for a millisecond. He is just standing there watching the fight. I wonder if he's that type of boss then: the one who lets all his henchmen do his work. I feel like he is from all the past experiences, but I've never seen him actually fight. I ponder if I can even match him by myself, or if Jacob and I can even compare to him.

"Did we really not move much?" I yell once more.

"The people are getting more violent as we approach the Acerbi bastard." Jacob grunts.

"They are also increasing in number and skill," I agree with him. I feel like the fights are dragging longer and longer. I may have been training to increase my stamina and physique, but I did not have sufficient time to get where I intended to be.

After I knock one guy down, another quickly comes and takes his place. I get a rhythm going.

I feel a familiar presence join Jacob and I as we continue to fight.

"Need backup?" Dante and Leo ask.

"Sure," I wipe away the sweat running down my forehead, but it is accumulating pretty much everywhere. Gross, I am so looking forward to taking a nice, long shower in my bathroom. Well, if it isn't destroyed already.

"Are you guys just skipping around all over the place?" I roll my eyes as they keep popping in and out.

"It looked like you needed help." Leo replies. "From above, you do know the two of you are right in the center of this crowd. They're all aiming at you."

"You haven't lost the Key right?" Dante asks.

"Nope," I say immediately. I can feel the imprint of the key. It's resting nicely inside the lining of my bra. It took me a while to learn, but I finally learned how to make a secret pocket inside my damn bra.

"Great. We need to get you to the vault." Dante nods.

"It's faster if we just take out Alfredo first." I start to get annoyed.

"The dude is protected more heavily than Fort Knox," Leo argues.

"But I trust that Jacob, me, Dante, and you can are all competent enough to get to him."

"Fine, but this crowd is pretty much trying to keep you away from him and tiring you out," Leo notices.

"Yes, we know," Jacob replies a bit wearily.

"That's why we are here," Dante flashes a huge grin. He must have some fabulous plan again.

"What is it now?" Leo rolls his eyes.

"So, Tony and I were discussing-" he begins.

"Stop right there." Leo interrupts him.

"No, it's a good plan. I swear. Scout's honor." He pledges.

"You're not even a scout," I point out as I throw away another one of my precious knives. It flings right into someone's torso. I don't hesitate to keep moving forward.

"Well, anyways when I count to three I want you guys to all duck, cover, and roll the fuck away from here!" Dante tells us.

"Any specific area?" Jacob genuinely looks at him with a bit of worry.

"Just not around here." Dante says.

"How quickly do we need to move out?" Jacob asks.

"God, you have so much questions." Dante's smile disappears. "You have a second or two."

Jacob keeps quiet.

Dante raises his hand and holds up one finger. "one, two,...three!" He raises three fingers before the four of us flee for our lives.

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