During the entire time, [Brother Name] and your father kept their gaze on the ground. They knew that if they caught sight of the tears that pooled your eyes, they would definitely not be able to hold themselves back from rushing to the local jail and murdering your mother.

"-and that's about it..." You finished as a sigh unconsciously left your lips. Everyone stayed quiet for a long time, not uttering a word as you kept your gaze on your hands that layed on your lap. 

After compiling the entire thing, you finally realised that you hadn't even properly visited uncle Osamu's grave. Making a mental note to do so immediately after you were discharged, you lifted your head to see your older brother and father glaring at their hands while slight tears of anger pooled in their eyes.

"I'm glad things worked out in the end..." You started again, hoping you'd be able to get the attention of the two. 

It worked as Ran and Rindoū placed a hand on each of their shoulders, causing them to look up at them and then you. You shot them a comforting grin as all of a sudden, a knock interrupted the heartfelt moment.

"Come in..." You stated and the door swung open to reveal Ai, in all her glory, "Hey there, wifey!! Missed me?!" Rindoū beside you, scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Wifey?" Your father repeated and you couldn't help the sheepish smile that made way to your lips. Immediately, you turned your attention towards the yellow eyed female and grinned thankfully, "Hello, Ai-san... It's very nice to see you here!!" You exaclaimed and she couldn't help but let out a high pitched squeal, "As pretty and polite as ever!! You're a true angel, [Name]-chan!!" 

Getting off of the hospital bed, you began to walk over to her. Her eyes widened when all of a sudden, you bowed down and closed your eyes, "I do believe I have yet to properly thank you for everything you have done for me... I wouldn't be able to imagine anyway of escaping my mother if it hadn't been for you!! So, thank you very much, Ai-san!!" 

A bright blush erupted on her cheeks as she waved her hands around, "I-It's okay!! It's okay, [Name]-chan!!" The confident Ai that you knew, was now reduced into nothing more than a bowl of mush at your sweet and grateful smile.

Rindoū and Ran that were present there, let out smal chortles of their own as they saw how flustered the girl had become, even if they would have reacted even more embarrassingly had it been them.

Clearing her throat, Ai tried to get back what little remained of her confidence, "A-Anyways..." She started off, curling her fingers around your wrist as a seductive smirk made way to her lips, "If you want to thank me that bad, why don't we go on that date like you promised?" 

She ran her fingers on the edges of your chin, tracing your jawline before she finally finished, "Well? What do you say?" You blinked in confusion as to what was even going on right now.

Unbeknownst to you, the jaws of both [Brother Name] and [Father Name] fell to the ground as they stared at your awkward figure. 

And completely unbeknownst to those all of you, Ran and Rindoū were ready to throw hands with a girl, presumably one with black hair in a low ponytail and sharp yellow eyes.

But before things could escalate, a chilling voice broke you all from your stupor, "Oi... get your hands off our Coordinate before I slice them off of her..."

You turned your head over to see a tuft of long white hair rushing over and snatching Ai's hand off of your wrist. 

"Haruchiyō?" You called out, making the said male perk up while he was busy having a glare off with the ravenette.

"Yes, [Male Na-I mean... ma'am?" You chuckled as he struggled over your name, smiling kindly at him.

"Just call me [Name], Haru!!" The poor guy almost had a heart attack when you not only smiled at him but also called him that nickname that would make his brain short-circuit, Every. Damn. Time!!

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