"Yes, my lady," Thad said.

"Go on, or you'll be late."

"Yes, my lady," Thad and Ranja chorused.


Sabrina caused a minor stir when she entered the conference room, but aside from a measured nod to acknowledge her, Ford did not react. She supposed he had had time to work up from irritation to indignation. They were going to have to clear the air before they could get back to the original subject: the link. And then they were going to have to talk about how to neutralize the threat against Ford.

Stecklan had given her the impression that whoever it was must be powerful and well organized to have evaded all the investigators on the station. Ford's own admission of bartering gone awry led her to think that they were going to have to deal with this person soon, before another attempt proved more successful. Ford was right: she didn't have time to sulk.

That she had made a tactical error became apparent when the conference adjourned for the day. Sabrina was mobbed with people inquiring about her health and welcoming her back, while Ford slipped out with the Shaerwin delegation. It took her quite a while to make her escape, and she stopped to check at Ford's quarters without any real expectation of finding him there.

Stecklan answered the door. "Lady Sabrina," he greeted her. "Please come in. His highness will be with you shortly."

Sabrina was surprised to find dinner ready, with the table set for two. "I take it he was expecting me," she said dryly.

"Yes. And I have been instructed to give you complete privacy for your meal," Stecklan said.

Sabrina sat down and sighed. "Am I becoming predictable, Stecklan?"

"I couldn't speak to that, my lady. If it's any consolation, you haven't become predictable to me."

"Thanks. I think. Oh, would you do me a favor and call my quarters to let Thad and Ranja know I'm out for dinner?"

"Certainly." Stecklan smiled at her and withdrew.

It was only a moment later when Ford emerged, having changed clothes and freshened up. "Thank you for joining me," he said, taking a seat at the table.

"I wasn't aware I was invited."

"Ah, but I was aware you were finally ready to talk to me. Having gotten the shouting match over with, I decided it might be safe to combine food and conversation this time." He reached for a platter, then added, "And no, I didn't read your mind. Your surprise entrance this afternoon was quite enough to announce your intentions."

"Besides which, you wrote that note intending to make me mad," Sabrina said pleasantly. "Really, Ford."

"No, if I had really wanted to make you mad, I would have written it in a language Ranja could read," Ford grinned. "I just wanted to remind you that we do actually have business here, aside from our personal situation."

"I'm well aware of that. I don't think it was unreasonable to take a morning for myself to think."

"No, but how was I to know you were going to confine yourself to a morning?"

"Oh please. You're so good at upsetting me that I'm bound to get used to it sooner or later. Or at least require less recovery time."

"I don't mean to upset you. Well, most of the time." He grimaced.

"I'm aware of that. When I'm not upset anymore, at least. Look. I know...I know you don't have any intentions of controlling my mind—aside from random moments when it would be convenient for you. But you have to remember that no good has ever come from someone being in my head. Malvarak, the emperor...they didn't exactly have my best interests at heart. And even though you're my friend and I trust you, I still have that instinctive reaction to you having that access. I don't know if this is ever going to be easy for me like it is for you."

The Forgotten Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 6)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя