There were certainly a lot of connections between a Poltergeist and this form I have now...

A finger hovered just above the pages as I continued reading, information of horrific tales of Poltergeist hauntings and how they've affected their victims.

My other hand raked through my hair as I leaned back, my mysterious 'form' hovering above the ground as I slouched back to lay on my spine.

With a slide of my head, I glanced over towards the other book I had bought. It was something bought on a whim, deciding that perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to buy a book for leisure along with my information gathering.

I shook my head before sitting up to continue reading up on the Poltergeist.

According to the book, it's unclear where the stories of Poltergeists originated from, even though the name is german, there are stories going as far back as the ancient Roman times.

In some cases, the poltergeist was said to be powerful enough to shove and injure the person they were touching.

"So there's I chance I could touch Shizu-chan?"

My mouth snapped closed and I blinked, trying in vain to ignore how wrong the simple question had ended up sounding. I disregarded the faint burn on my ears in favor of continuing to read the next section.

How to ward off a Poltergeist.

I swallowed, reading nervously as I read over the remedies the book claimed to work. My brows furrowed further with every recommendation.

Sprinkling salt around the room?

Hold a seance?

Smudging the house with sage?

Decoration with evergreens?

These all seemed to be the commonly known treatments to deal with the supernatural... this was pretty basic knowledge, thanks to the media and movies- were those really the only remedies? As I read further down, my curiosity grew as I searched for the more unique suggestions.

Don't speak to or about the spirit.

Well, Shizu-chan is certainly failing at that one... not that I'd particularly want him to succeed and ignore me in favor of having me disappear...

I shoved down the strange feeling that scurried up my throat at the thought.

"Find emotional help," I murmured the book's words aloud. The final and most recommended thing was to quell the worries of the person being haunted. Poltergeists are created from their emotional distress and feed off of it, by getting the help you need to feel more at peace and move on, you are also helping to get rid of the Poltergeist.

I chewed on the inside of my lip, closing the book and placing the two ghost titles on a shelf in favor of reading the personally selected title. My steps were silent as I settled to sit next to the familiar window with the book in my hand.

Perhaps that was enough informational gathering for one night...

The book flicked open, and a small smile curled at the edge of my lips.

Chapter one...


My eyes burned as I stared up at the dark ceiling. The same boring white ceiling I stare at every night when I try to go to sleep. My knee wouldn't stop bouncing, making the blanket on top of me, move with every bob of my leg.

This was ridiculous.

My jaw tightened as I threw the blankets off of me. I growled out a curse, fumbling at my side drawer in the dark to grasp at a cigarette. The dim light from my, half-crushed, miraculously still working, alarm clock gleamed the time, "3:28" shining just enough light to find where I placed my cigarette case and lighter.

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