return to frostbourne

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POV Charlie

"What do we have on our approach?" Patrick asked as he joined an assembled group, Razer, Andrew, Meeps, Hilda and Dexter, one of several groups that will play as the distraction team.

"looks like the Controller is holding his armies here, wither skeletons, Endermen, pigmen, humans and the Neverwhere, we're outnumbered 1 to 10," Hilda reported. 

Patrick thought for a moment, "Okay, Charlie, Meeps join up with Rain's group, pass on the information, Dexter take the info to Lucas, Hilda to others," Patrick ordered. 

me and Meeps walked carefully to avoid being spotted by the patrols, "Charlie, is there a reason you haven't spoken to me recently?"  Meeps asked. 

"would you believe me if I said I had forgotten," I said.

"No, Charlie answer the question," Meeps demanded. 

"I...I was thrown off when you broke, was put off when you tried to kill me, I know you weren't in control, but...I felt if Kyle was in that room, or Andrew...tell me Meeps, Am I unlikeable?" I asked

Meeps thought, "You can be, you can be arrogant, annoying, self-obsessed, you have a heart, you care, but don't seem to understand how you annoy people around you, Rain and Stella might not call you out on it, but there do know it," Meeps explained.

"I don't mean it, I try, but...I am telling you something that no one else living on the overworld knows," I started and took a deep breath, "When I was about 10, maybe 11, I was formally diagnosed with dyslexia and...and autism, I've spent my life hating myself for that, it's not an excuse I know that, but I...I struggle still, and when the Doctor put all of this stuff in my mind, it seemed to increase the worse part of my personality," 

"you haven't told anyone else this?" Meeps asked.

"No, I wanted a fresh start, here in the overworld, of course, that didn't happen, my sister turned up to be here," I added. 

then we saw Rain, Ember, Moon, Ciara, Abigail and Alex, "Charlie, Meeps, over here quickly," Rain called. 

I quickly passed on the information, and turned to Moon, "can I borrow your bow?" I asked. 

"Umm Okay, Why?" Moon asked.

"I am going to try and make a really really good shot, that will hopefully raise the gate," I said.

They all looked at me, "Can you make that shot?" Abigail asked. 

"Well it has been some months since I lasted fired a bow, so maybe," I answered. 

"And if you miss?" Ember asked.

"Ummm, the plan gets harder," I answered.

"Quick question," Ember said. 

"Good ahead," I answered

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" he asked. 

"Oh, back home, my father taught, he was a chief, made sure I know  how to cook..." 


"Sorry, sorry," I raised the bow, took a deep breath, and fired the arrow, I watched in slow motion as the arrow impacted into the top of the wall, "Whoops," I mumbled. 

"Can't land ever shot," Abigail said. 

POV 3rd person

the Controller opened a portal through space and time, into the past, finding Lilith unconscious, laying on the floor, her dagger was embedded on the chest of a woman, a child Abigail laid sleeping in the snow, the Controller know that the Lilith would have ended up in here when the time bolt struck the portal she was in. 

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