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POV unknow 

I couldn't stay, not any longer, it hurt too much, he reminded me of her more and more with each day that passed. I left a note for Charlie not Dad, no, no, no, he's not my dad, he never really was, I waited until the dead of night, sneaking out, and running and running. 

hours on, and I was lost alone in a field, maybe I shouldn't have run, But Charlie, every time he smile tried to make us happy I only ever thought of mum, "Lilith?" someone called, I looked all around me, the field was empty. I brushed it away.

I hide out here for weeks, nowhere to go, I just kept moving and moving, the little food I packed was eaten, my clothes dirty and lay there hungry, when the voice again "Lilith, come to me, my child come to me," a light a bright yellow light, appeared in front of me, I was compelled to walk to it. 

years later

my Master stood they, "the time is now, the four, the first four have arrived, I want one of them died, Moon the girl, she will trigger the most reaction, once you are done return to me," he ordered. 

I hesitated for a moment, "what of my brother?" I asked. My master smiled at me. 

"I have a way of changing minds," my Master slimed that evil smile, I bowed to him walking toward the exit, I passed the prison cells and there one occupant, I paid him no mind, My Master was far from finished with him. I walked into a blacked room with hundreds of red portals, that would lead to anywhere I wished in the overworld

I was waiting for the exact moment, standing in the woods that once surrounded the fallen kingdom of the defenders of the truth, the light appeared in front of me. momentarily a bright blinding light, 'I wonder if this is how Charlie and his friends arrived here?' I thought to myself. 

there Moon was, nothing more than a girl, 'easy pray for one such as me, not the first kill' had I know what else was waiting for me here, maybe I would have been quicker.

(A/N here we are at the start of a new story, 

thanks to Moonlark who Wattpad is determined not to let me tag, and make sure to check the last chapter of her story Embers of Eternity to help explain why her Characters arrived here)

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