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POV Charlie

"Anyway, let's us move on shallow we?" I said smiling at the group, the universe seemed to flicker for a moment, nothing was different except Meeps's weapon had changed, I swear she was holding a trident. now a sword. "Meeps, did you change your weapon?" I asked. 

"What are you talking about? I've had this..." Another flicker. and she was holding a trident again. "Trident the whole time," She continued. 

"Charlie are you alright?" Ember asked.

another flicker and Ember was replaced with Kyle? as in my dead friend Kyle. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, before another flicker. 

"Information, gemstone affecting local time-space continuity," Zen said. 

We all turned as the universe flicked. "Okay is no one else seeing this?" I asked. 

"Seeing what?" I turned to find Ciara replaced by Kane.

"No, No, Charlie's got a point I somehow feel like this isn't right," Ember said. 

the world glitched again, Ciara was back, but this time Razer was now gone, "Okay I swear we're missing someone," Meeps said. 

"Zen can I stop this?" I asked. 

"Information," I was taken back by the fact Zen's voice had completely changed to that of a female voice. "Data indicates my systems are now being affected, the gemstone must be con..con...contained," the A.I reported.

"What's wrong with the computer?" Ciara asked. 

"The reality glitches..." I was interrupted again.

"Information, this...this...this unit is being broken down energy from the gems....gemstone, only two recipients in this vic...vicinity can contain the energy from the gemmmmmmmmmssssssstone," the voice stopped as it's words slurred. 

reality glitched again, everything seemed to be normal. "My systems are stabilised, the restabilization will only last a short time, The only two recipients cable of containing the gemstone is the inferior Meeps Aartifals intelligence....tell....gence...trigging restabilization....."

I looked at the gem, then Meeps. "Yeah...No let's not do that, god knows what a gemstone filled with energy from the multiverse would do to you," 

Meeps nodded. "yeah that could..." suddenly someone started to pound on the doors. "Oh no they've found us," Meeps said turning to the door, and raising an SMG, Okay this was getting weird.

the doors smashed open and hulking wolfmen raced in, "holy hell in a ham basket, what the flying fudge ball is that?" I asked. 

"you know the werewolves army we've been fighting?" Meeps said. 

I turned to her slowly, "Am Sorry..........THE WHAT ARMY!" I asked. as the werewolves advanced on us, the universe flicked again. and everything was back to normal. "Okay, this is getting ridiculous," 

"No, I noticed it that time, what's happening?" Ember asked. 


"Information, the gemstone must be placed into the inferior Meeps Artificial intelligence. altaively the gemstone can be placed into the Excalibur sword," Zen reported. 

I held up my sword, "How?" I asked. 

"Unknow," Zen said. 

Ember walked over to me and took the gemstone. and just shoved it into my sword, a plus wave shoot us both back, I crashed into Crystal, and Ember went flying back, and Razer sidestepped to avoid being hit by Ember. "WHY WOULD YOU..." 

Lost (Rainiamtor book 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن