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POV Charlie

This Ember was still standing in front of me pointing his sword at me. if this turns into a fall fledge fight then I will lose, "Okay Ember we can talk, I would rather we didn't fight," that idea was clearly not a working one. 

Ember swiped at me and I blocked with the umbrella, I back up into the Kitchen slamming door, and pushed the stove in front of it, "Okay Charlie think, I've got a lunatic outside, and no way out," I searched my pockets. "Nope, Okay, Ember please stop trying to kill me I would like to.." Hang on. there was no sound in the front room, then I heard the front slam shut. 

"That little...Nerf herder," I mumbled pushing the stove out of the way, I grabbed my sword and followed Ember out, I paused in the hallway, "Umm," I looked both ways, clicked my finger. "That way," I said rushing forward. 

"Charlie are you okay?" Lyria asked, I just continued to move, "Charlie?" she asked following. 

"No time, someone with a sword attacked me, I'm giving chase," I answered, Soon enough we reached out frostbourne, "He'll likely head for the main gate, quickest way out," 

I was proven right, As we raced to the gate there was Ember making the same run Ahead of us, "Guards! Stop him!" I yelled. The few guards on the gate shut it and formed a shield wall in front of Ember.

Ember stopped and turned, "From what I can tell we have you outnumbered," I said. 

Ember swung his sword, through the air, "I can take you all, I think," Ember seemed pretty sure of himself.

"Guards, don't engage hold the line, I don't want him sneaking through," I ordered, I stepped forward, "Ember, I can see it, you don't trust me, do you, how about this I'll put my weapon down, and We'll talk...." I paused as a portal opened and Crystal was slung through it. "Crystal?" I asked. 

She slammed onto the floor, I rushed over to her, there was a horrible slash across the arm she would hold her sword in, "Crystal what done this?" I asked. 

"Behind you!" Lyria called, I spun around and went to block having my sword thrown from my hands, by this new opponent. he stood shorter then but that's no shock as I was 6 foot.

"Razer?" Ember asked, "well at least I'm not here alone." He added. "who's she?" Ember asked pointing at Crystal.

"move," Razer told me. 


this Razer seemed fairly shocked at me, "okay then I'll move you," I crossed my arms, in such a way my right hand over my watch, I felt along and smiled I was wearing it, "fine," he said.

Lyria stood there watching in terror, Razer Charged at me, and I pressed a button on my bracelet, before his sword could even touch me, a blue luminous and see-through shield appeared between us. 

Razer bounced off my shield, "Well that was easy, let's take this from the top, Who the hell are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?" I said. I noticed something hanging out of Razer pocket, the head of my sonic screwdriver. 'so that's where it was' 

"Hang on, what did you say her name was?" Ember asked. moving next to Razer. 

I arched my eyebrow, "How is that relevant?" I asked. what was going through this guys head. Lyria went to move in to help me, "Lyria don't! get the others," I ordered. she nodded. 

Ember and Razer readied their weapons, "Two of us, one of you, you can't shield yourself from us both," Ember said. 

'was that a pun?' I thought, I shook my head, the guards continued to stand there as I ordered. 'I'll probably regret that,' I raised my shield, "Tell me why do you want to hurt her?" I asked. 

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