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Enjoy the last chapter!!<33


I slowly turned my head around while Hunter raised his head from my neck to check out the guy standing behind me

"What do you want don't you see we don't want to be interrupted?" Hunter said a bit too loud which caused me to widen my eyes and look at Hunter. I still didn't see the guy's face but I think I already know who is it

"Richard?" I asked confused and looked up at the guy that made me blush once, but that's not important right now

"You know him?" Hunter asked and looked at me

"Kind of" I mumbled as the memories of the night come into my mind

I stood up from Hunter's lap and smiled with my lips in a thin line

"Um, you need something?" I wondered a bit nervous

"From where do you know him?" Hunter stood up next to me and eyed Richard again

I looked up at Richard as he slowly nodded his head allowing me to tell Hunter

"He's one of Alex's friends that were in the cinema with us," I said with one deep breath as Hunter's face hardened

"You are friends with that bastard?!" He clenched his hands in fists and took a step closer 

"Hunter he didn't do anything" I assured him and put my hand on his chest 

"He's still his friend," Hunter said through the gritted teeth and looked into Richard's eyes

"I-I just wanted to say that Alex is sorry and just wanted to warn you that he's here too with us. I don't want any more problems" Richard almost begged and looked me in the eyes completely ignoring Hunter sending death glares at him 

I gulped "H-he's here?" asking, I looked around me in case he was too close to me

"I think we should leave," Hunter said from behind me and before he could do something stupid, I nodded my head and said a quick goodbye to Richard before leaving with Hunter holding my hand maybe too tightly and leading me out of the club

"Hunter t-that hurts" I hissed and tried to get out of his dead grip

He immediately let go of my hand and turned around for me to see his furious expression 

"Sorry. I need to get out of here before I come back to the club and beat the shit out of him again" He warned me as I nodded and took his hand in mine before waving at the cab that was just about to leave after giving a ride to someone

"Hey, you're free?" I asked the driver as I leaned into the open window 

"Yeah, go get in" a middle-aged guy smiled at me kindly while I smiled at him back and open the door to put Hunter in before sitting next to him "where to?"

I was about to answer when Hunter spoke up before I could 

"205 Long Ride" I looked up at him while he just looked blindly in front of him 

I know very well the cabin address and that definitely wasn't it

"What are you doing?" I curiously asked and looked at him confused

"Just wait," He said before quieting down completely for the rest of the ride

After 20 minutes, the driver stopped at the pretty rich street. We gave him the money and Hunter took my hand in his before walking toward one of the houses

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