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Chapter six

My phone ringing bring me out of my thoughts that were flying around my room 

I looked at the unknown number and scrunched my eyebrows before remembering Alex. I picked up the call and press my phone against my ear

"Hello?" I asked as I waited for the person on the other side to speak up

"Oh, hey Daisy it's Alex. I wondered if you maybe wanted to go out with me tomorrow? Maybe to the cinema or something?" I heard his nervous voice

His words immediately brought a smile to my face 

"I'd love to but you know my brother" Frowning I lay down on my bed 

"Then try and ask him, he agreed yesterday, so he may agree again. Just please ask him and then text me or something okay, princess?" he literally begged through the phone

"Don't worry, I'll go ask him right now okay?" I stood up from the bed and walked toward the door

"Alright bye for now" 

"Bye," I said and hung up after the opening the door 

As soon as I stepped out of the door my face hit something hard that wasn't there before

"You won't ask him anything," A deep familiar voice said and I immediately clenched my fists 

"You stood behind my door and listened to my call the whole time?!" I hit his chest with my palms which caused him to take my hands in his tightly in a case I'd do it again 

Feeling a weird tingling in my hands I looked up to his face to see that he has the same confused expression as I do

Quickly, I ripped out my hands from his and glared at him angrily  

"I told you I don't have to listen to you, Hunter so get the fuck out of my way" I hissed into his face which caused him to chuckle "What's so funny?" I asked still with the hard face

"You" He pointed at my chest "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you that if you'll go ask your brother I'll tell him about what happened in the lover's ride and I bet you don't want him to know" the smirk never left his lips but just grew wider

"You wouldn't do that," I said through gritted teeth as I glared at him amused 

"Oh really? ASHER! I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING-!" Hunter yelled in the direction of the stairs where Ash was in the kitchen with others 

I quickly put my hand over his mouth and fisted his shirt to bring him to my room before closing the door

"What the fuck is wrong with you? What is your fucking problem?" I hissed into his face as I pushed him against the wall 

"My problem is you going out with that erect jerk. Don't you see he just wants to fuck you?" He gripped my hands and turned me around so now my back hit the wall while he was in front of me, a bit closer than I was expected 

"Do you think that you would like him doing this?" He asked angrily and gripped my both hands and pinned them against the wall tightly

"Let me go" I hissed from pain and tried to get away from his grip but it just tightened

"You think that you'd like him, pressed against you with his hard crotch while you'd have no way to get away from his hold?" 

He pressed his body against my not-able-to-move one 

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