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Chapter three

After I unpacked all of my stuff, I decided to go downstairs and looked around the whole house.

Walking down the wooden stairs I had a door right in front of my face. Slowly opening the door I widened my eyes when I saw Cole and Georgia naked on top of each other 

"Oh shit! Sorry!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut with my eyes still wide. My precious eyes are not virgins anymore. I said to myself and walked into the kitchen where I met Mason with an amused expression 

"You saw them too?" he asked and laughed. 

I slowly nodded my head while he held his stomach from laughing

"your eyes are not virgins anymore," He said like he could read my mind and hugged me

"yeah, yeah funny I'm a virgin haha" I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me

"yes, and it'll stay like that for a couple of months, do you understand?" he pointed at me and I smirked 

"can't promise anything" I teased and walked out of the kitchen 

Bumping into someone I looked up to see Asher with wide eyes and a blank expression. I held my laugh and looked in the direction he probably came from 

"You saw them too?" I teased as he nodded his head which caused me to laugh more 

"I didn't have to see that," he said blankly and walked into the kitchen. 

Shooking my head I decided on continuing exploring the house

I walked around another door but decided on knocking this time

When I heard 'come in' I opened the door to see someones back. Someones really muscular back. As I counted how many boys are in this house and, that I saw Theo before I went downstairs I know exactly who it was

I looked closer at his back to see some scars on them. Widening my eyes my curiosity took over as I walked to his still turned body and touched his back softly. At that moment he turned around and glared at me

His muscles were hard at his chest and I was wondering if he does workouts regularly when he has those hot abs of his. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"What do you think you are doing Daisy?" He raised his voice at me angrily. Him saying my real name is never a good thing. His expression was hard. I couldn't say if he was angry, surprised, or just doesn't want me here but he wasn't happy

"I- sorry y-your scars. What happened?" I stuttered and looked up into his eyes 

"That's none of your business" he growled and turned back to the things he did before I walked in

Bitting my lip from asking further, I slowly walked out of his room but not before looking at his back ones more 

I've never seen them before, but I also never saw Hunter without his shirt so I think it's fair enough

After I looked around the whole house, knocking on every closed door, just in case, I found out that this house has a swimming pool, whirlpool, gym, and a lot more.

I put on my sneakers and walked out of the house to the terrace that lead to the big open space of the beach and the sea.

Walking down the few stairs, my feet touched the sand. That was the moment I felt the best feeling ever. Freedom

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