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"See? I'm happy" I smiled at her while she gave me a murderous look. Oh I'm not gonna survive the rest of the day if I stay with her

Deciding that I don't wanna die today, I walked away from them to explore the house with the cup in my hand and my phone in my bra. What? It's the best place where to place a phone when you don't have pockets and I didn't take any purse with me

I found a living room quickly. People were shouting while watching soccer on the TV with a beer in their hands and girls on their laps. Okay...I'm gonna get out of here 

I continued with the exploration and found a dance floor with a lot of drunk people rubbing against each other. Gross...

Then, there was a hallway with people playing beer pong with some white liquid, probably vodka. Yeah, I'm definitely not going to stay here and watch them play

I decided to go upstairs and go to the restroom when I have such an urge to go pee 

I skipped up the stairs and left the drink at the railing deciding that I'm not gonna drink it anymore and looked for the bathroom 

I saw a lot of rooms here and there. Most of them were locked but then I found the door with 'toilet' written on the door. The one who threw a party sure had the heart to place a paper on the door so people don't have to scan the whole floor and look for it 

I opened the door and saw the thing I didn't want to see.

Hunter making out with a girl who had her hands around his neck and legs around his torso, her dress raised above her ass, and Hunter's pants were under his knees 

I was frozen and looked at them for a while before shaking my head 

"Fuck, sorry" I shouted and slammed the door but before I did I catch Hunter's eyes looking at me wide 

"Daisy, wait!" I heard him say but I was already halfway down the stairs making my way toward the kitchen 

"Dais, where have you been? It's been half an hour, we were worried" An already drunk Bell said when she saw me coming towards them 

"Give me something strong" I looked at her as she grinned at me and started to make a drink into the red cup 

After a few more seconds she hands it to me as all the girls and some of the boys from our group stared at me, waiting till I drink it 

I took a deep breath and put a corner of the cup on my lips before gulping it all not even thinking twice. I heard a loud surprised noise and the look on my friend's faces 

"Hell Dais, how come I've never seen you drink?" Mason chuckled and patted my shoulder 

"I want another," I said to Bell who immediately nodded and made me another drink 

"Daisy you should slow down," My brother said and I furrowed my eyebrows at him and snored 

"I didn't even start" I smirk into his face and took a drink from Bell and drank it all on ex again "Another" I ordered and hand her an empty cup 

I didn't mind the disgusting taste, I didn't even feel anything. I just wanted to forget about what I just saw upstairs 

"Babe, It's rum. It's strong as fuck, you should really slow down" Theo said and put his hand on my shoulder 

I shook his hand off and snored 

"Whatever," I said and walked out of the kitchen to the dance floor 

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